Grayson County TXGenWeb

C.A. & Rosie Hoffman
Denison, Texas

Aug 7, 1896 Louis Lebrecht and William Scholz attest to the identity of Loren Wahnsen, alias Lawrence Wahnsen.  Loren and his wife, Margaretha Wahnsen," were man and wife before they came to Texas about 1875."  He had no children.  He died about November 26, 1877.  At the time he and his wife were living on Lots Nos. 9 and 10, Block 81, Original Town Plat, Denison, which was their homestead.  Margaretha later married Earl Hoffman.  [SOurce: Grayson COunty Deed Records, Vol. 116, p.386]
Feb. 9, 1904 Carrie B. Lebrecht attests that she has sold to Miss Mayme Garbutt two liens on Lot 9, Block 9, Miller's First Addition, Denison [779 West Gandy Street], one for $784 and the other for $482, a total of $1,266.  Apparently, Carrie has decided to dispose of the Gandy Street house and buy property on the edge of town from her brother, P.D. Pollard Jr.  In a deposition taken on March 29, 19 04, and recorded on April 16, 1904, Carrie states that two "Vendors Lien notes" from 1890, one for $450 and one for $750, existed on the Gandy Street homestead at the time of Louis Lebrecht's death in December 1902.  In January 1903, Carrie purchased these liens "with funds received from the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York, on a policy written for said Louis Lebrecht and payable to her, the said Carrie B. Lebrecht.  Said funds being her own separate funds, and deponent further swears that she has never come into possession of any community funds since the death of her said husband, with which she could pay off and satisfy said indebtedness."  Early in 1904, Carrie herself sells these liens to Miss Mayme Garbutt  (via her trustee, S.P. Ancker, head of Denison Bank and Trust Company.)  Then, in April 1904, when Carrie sells the Gandy Street property to C.A. and Rosie Hoffman, they assume responsibility for paying off these Garbutt liens.  Presumably, these maneuvers allow Carrie to recapture her insurance money, plus $500 cash paid by the Hoffmans. [Source: Grayson County Deed Records, Vol. 89, p. 521; Vol. 125, p.596; Vol. 156;, pp.387-89 and 397-401; and Vol. 182, p.402]
Apr 16, 1904 Carrie B. Lebrecht completes sale of her homestead (Lot 9, Block 9, Miller's First Addition, Denison; 729 West Gandy Street) to C.A. Hoffman and Rosie Hoffman for $1,400.  She receives $500 cash, while $900 is applied to retire two outstanding liens owned by Miss Mayme Garbutt.  This the Hoffmans accomplish as shown by a formal release recorded August 28, 1908.  [Source : Grayson County Deed Records, Vol. 156, pp. 387-89 and 397-401; see also Vol. 89, p. 521; Vol. 125, p.596; and Vol. 182, p. 492]
1907 Hoffman, Charles A.  Proprietor, Hoffman's Photographic Studio.  Ad on cover of City Directory: "Hoffman's Studio.  For Art Photographs." 163-1/2 West Main Street.  New Telephone 44.  [Note: Hoffman is the successor to Thomas W. Snell and Snell Brothers.]  He and wife Rosa Hoffman reside at 729 West Gandy Street.  [They purchased the property from Carrie Bell Pollard Lebrecht upon the death of former Mayor Louise Lebrecht.]  New Telephone 44-2. [Source: City Directory]
"C.A. Hoffman's ARt Studio."  [Source: T:he [DHS] Raven, March 2907]
"C.A. Hoffman does the finest works in art.  Post Cards Made." [Source: The [DHS] Raven, April 1907]
"Real Art Photographs.  Hoffman's Studio.  Examine the display, it will convince you. Kodak Work Finished, too."  [Source The [CHS} Raven, May 1907]
1908 "Real Art Photographs at Hoffman's Art Sutdio.  Just Try Him for Kodak Work."  [Source: The [DHS} Raven, May 1908
"Real Art Photographs at Hoffman's Studio.  New Phone 44.  316 West Main Street.  A beautiful line of Folders and Mounts for Christmas."  [Source: [DHS] Yellow Jacket, November 24, 1908]
"Real Art Photographs at Hoffman's Studio.  A beautiful line of Folders and Mounts.  New Phone 44.  316 West Main Street."  [Source: [DHS] Yellow Jacket, February 19, 1909; March 19, 1909; April 19, 1909]
1915 [Note: Cary D. Ansley, Charles A. Hoffman and George W. Moore have disappeared as Denison photographers.  [Source: City Directory]
1915 Mitchell, THomas E.  361-1/2 West Main Street.  [Note: He is successor to Charles A. Homman.]  Thomas and wife Lucile Mitchell live on the premises.  [Source Directory]

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