![]() K.T. Lackey 1876 - 1914 The Whitewright Sun Friday, May 29, 1914 pg. 2 Cal Lackey died at noon last Saturday at his home in Fairlie. The immediate cause of his death was a hemorrhage of the lungs, coming on him suddenly and unexpectedly. Only a few years ago Cal Lackey was the embodiment of perfect health and form, but at some unguarded period tuberculosis found foothold and began its consumming process upon his stalwart body. The decedent was formerly station agent for the Cotton Belt railway here, but gave up that position about three years ago on account of failing health and moved to Waco, where he lived until about a year ago, when he moved back to this section and began housekeeping at Fairlie. He was well known in Whitewright and throughout this section, being the son of J.W. Lackey, pioneer settler. Cal was thirty-seven years of age and is survived by his widow and one daughter, whose sorrow is shared by the people of this city. The funeral and interment was at Whitemound Cemetery Sunday afternoon, Rev. C. Howard conducting the services at the graveside. Quite a number of Whitewright friends of the family attended the funeral, among them being Mr. and Mrs. D. Martindale, Ott Lackey and family, J.T. Stillwell and family, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Mauk, Ira Fleming, Dr. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sears, also Frank and Will Lackey of Wanett, Oklahoma, and Jim Lackey of Dallas. Whitemound Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any links inoperable, please send me a message. |