![]() Vivienne Crossley 5 December 1887 - 22 April 1913 w/o S.H. Crossley The Whitewright Sun Friday, April 25, 1913 pg. 3 The remains of Mrs. John Crossley, who died at Chillicothe Tuesday were shipped to Whitewright for interment at the Vittitoe Cemetery near Kentuckytown. The body arrived on the Katy Wednesday night and was conveyed to the home of John Turner, father of the deceased, who resides southwest of town. The funeral was held today, Thursday, conducted by Rev. T.B. Clark, pastor of the Church of Christ. Mrs. Crossley was formerly Miss Vivian Turner and was reared in this community southwest of town. Her untimely death is a shock to her many friends throughout this section. The Whitewright Sun Friday, May 9, 1913 pg. 2 VIVIENNE Mrs. Vivienne Crossley, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Turner, died at her home in Chillicothe, Hardeman County, Texas, Tuesday, April 22 after an illness of only a few days. She was born December 5, 1887, and had spent the greater part her life near Kentuckytown until her marriage to Mr. S.H. Crossley, December 28, 1910, with whom she lived a sweet and happy life until the time of her death. Every thing that kind and loving hands could do was done to restore her back to health, but God in his wisdom thought best to take her from this world. While we are deeply grieved by her departure, we know while she sleeps in her peaceful resting place her spirit is with God and his angels, where there is no sorrow or trouble. She has left many dear ones to mourn her untimely death, a greatly bereaved husband, a father, one sister, four brothers and scores of friends. She was a loving wife, a devoted daughter, an affectionate sister and staunch friend. For a number of years she had been a devoted Christian, her willing hands and feet were tireless in works of love. From earliest childhood she even manifested courage and a generous, happy disposition under all circumstances, she carried a face radiant with joy and cheerfulness; when trials came she would often say: "We must do the best we can." It is so hard to give her up, but we realize that life is uncertain and death is sure, and sooner or later we must become resigned to the will of Him who doeth all things well. Her warm love for her friends has strewn life's path with blossoms of joy. We do not weep as those who have no hope for we know if we live right we can go where she has gone. When told that it was possible that she might not live she said she was not afraid to die, but that she had so much to live for. Her husband's interests were hers; she ever expressed the deepest feelings and thoughts in all his undertakings. Her departure has left a vacant place that can never be filled, a voice we once loved can never more hear until the great judgment day, where we shall meet the ones we loved so well. The remains arrived in Whitewright Wednesday, April 23, at 10:30 p.m., accompanied by the grief stricken husband, two brothers, and a number of friends and relatives, and were conveyed to the family residence two miles west of town. As evidence of the high esteem in which the deceased was held, the casket was entirely covered with beautiful flowers and there was scarcely a dry eye to be seen during the services. A large number of sympathizing friends and relatives followed the remains to the Vittitoe Cemetery Thursday at 2:30 p.m., where the services were conducted by Reverend Borden, after which the body was laid to rest beneath a mound of beautiful flowers. Vittitoe Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |