![]() ![]() James W. Gilliam 19 December 1869 - 5 December 1949 Mary Ophelia Gilliam 3 June 1877 - 3 February 1957 The Denison Press Friday, December 9, 1949 pg. 5 Funeral services for James Wallace Gilliam who died at his home in the Ambrose community Monday, were held Wednesday afternoon from the Virginia Point church with interment in the cemetery there. Services were directed by Bratcher-Moore with Rev. B.S. Bryant officiating. Mr. Gilliam was born December 19, 1869 in Grayson County and received his education in the schools of the county and the old Harshaw College at Savoy. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Gilliam. He was married to Miss Ophelia Goree December 15, 1897. His occupation was a farmer, and he was a member of the Methodist church. Surviving are his widow of Bells; 2 sons, V.W. of Dallas and V.P. of Bells. A daughter, Mrs. Nannie Price lives at Bells. A half-sister, Mrs. L.O. Embree lives at Dallas. Five grandchildren also survive. The Denison Press Friday, February 8, 1957 pg. 3 Funeral services for Mrs. J.W. Gilliam of Bells were held at Virginia Point Methodist Church in Ambrose Monday afternoon with Rev. Fred Mooring of Sherman and Rev. W.L. Douglas of Savoy officiating. Interment was in Virginia Point Cemetery with Bratcher Funeral Home in charge. Mrs. Gilliam died at her home Sunday morning after six months of illness. She had lived in the same community all her life. She was born near Ambrose, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Goree. She was married there December 15, 1897 to J.W. Gilliam. She was a member of Virginia Point Methodist Church. Survivors are two sons, Virgil Gilliam of Ambrose and V.W. Gilliam of Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. O.W. Price, Ambrose; a brother, E.C. Goree, Plainview; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Virginia Point Cemetery Elaine Nall Bay ©2015 If
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