![]() Samuel Bonilla Garcia
De quien recordaremos gratos momentos y por quien elevamos una oracin sincera al Creador para que le de descanso eterno y a sus familiares consuelo y pronta resignacin ante esta gran pena. 50 aos de ser un extraordinario esposo, padre, abuelo, amigo Lo participan con profunda pena: Su esposa Maria Ventura Sus hijos: Elly Bonilla, Samuel Bonilla Peraza, Florentin Alberto Bonilla, Alexis Antonio Bonilla, Maria Stephanie Bonilla, y Natalie Joanna Bonilla Lamentamos su partida, a la vez que celebramos y agradecemos el haber compartido con el su alegra por la vida y por la familia. Fue una persona trabajadora, que siempre lucho por darnos el mejor ejemplo para lograr nuestras metas y disfrutar la vida al mximo. Deja en todos nosotros una gran huella. Para quien quiera acompaarnos a celebrar su vida, el velatorio y las exequias se efectuaran en la funeraria Scoggins a partir de las 6 de la tarde el Viernes 30 de Octubre. Samuel Bonilla Garcia From whom we will remember pleasant moments and for whom we offer a sincere prayer to the Creator so that he may give him eternal rest and his relatives, consolation and prompt resignation in the face of this great pain. 50 years of being an extraordinary husband, father, grandfather, friend They participate in it with deep sorrow: His wife Maria Ventura Their children: Elly Bonilla, Samuel Bonilla Peraza, Florentin Alberto Bonilla, Alexis Antonio Bonilla, Maria Stephanie Bonilla, and Natalie Joanna Bonilla We regret his departure, while we celebrate and appreciate having shared with him his joy for life and for his family. He was a hard-working person, who always strives to give us the best example to achieve our goals and enjoy life to the fullest. Leave a big mark on all of us. For those who want to join us to celebrate his life, the wake and the funeral will be held at the Scoggins funeral home starting at 6 pm on Friday, October 30. Van Alstyne Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |