Van Alstyne Leader
March 26, 1925 MRS. T. H STAMPS Miss Elizabeth Jo Anna Russell was born in the State of Missouri on January 5, 1852. When a small child she came to Texas, her parents moving into this State and settling at Weston. At the age of ten years, she was converted and united with the Methodist church, of which faith she remained a faithful and consistent member until, on March 19, 1925, her spiritual body was translated into the heaven prepared for those who have merited while on earth the benediction of the faithful. In 1870, Miss Russell was married to N. H. Rowland, to this union three children were born: Lela, Cora, and Zula. Mr. Rowland passed into rest in 1884. In 1889, Mrs. Rowland was married the second time to T. H. Stamps. On January 24, 1909, Mr. Stamps passed into rest. For a number of years, since the death of Mr. Stamps, Mrs. Stamps has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lela Stamps Barnett, wife of Superintendents W. F. Barnett of the Methodist Orphanage at Waco, her death occurring at that place. Mrs. Zula Stamps Culwell, wife of J. L. Culwell of Van Alstyne, is the other surviving daughter. Three grandchildren, Mrs. Claude A. McKinney and Miss Ruth Culwell of Van Alstyne and (illegible) of Dallas also survive, also, her sister, Mrs. D. T. Hubert of Ardmore, Oklahoma. Mrs. Stamps' body was brought to Van Alstyne and funeral services were conducted at the First Methodist church, conducted by Rev. C. B. Fielder, the pastor, and Rev. W. T. Gray, field agent of the Methodist Orphanage, and Rev. J. F. Archer of Lewisville. A large concourse of friends were present to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed friend and neighbor of the years that have passed. The services were very impressive and touching tribute was paid by the ministers of the life and the character of this noble woman. Interment was had at the local cemetery, the remains being laid in their last resting place beneath a mound of flowers, evidence of the sympathy and condolence of a host of friends from all over this community and from other sections. Pallbearers were as follows: Active - J. A. Douglas, C. E. Brown, D. Odendolff, Gus Lewallen, Louis A. Cartwright, Walter Arnsniger. Honorary - A. T. Leslie, J. D. L. McKinney, Jim Blassingame, B. F. Thompson, F. R. (illegible) McKinney, Dr. S. D. Moore, Dr. T. S. Cartwright, J. M. (illegible) Umphress, D. E. (illegible) Herrington, George Robinson. The death of Mrs. Stamps marks the passing of another of the women to whom goes much of the credit for the splendid civilization which Texas enjoys today. As the years are counted, Texas is but an infant, as compared with some of the others in the galaxy of States, and it is not unusual to meet frequently those among the older persons whose lives cover the period when civilization was in its swaddling clothes, and men and women who professed and loved their religion were in the minority. Mrs. Stamps was one of these, and through the whole course of her life as a mother, as wife, as professing Christian and as engaged in the work of making of this section a desirable place in which to live, she measured up in fullest degree to all requirements and took her place by the side of the others of the pioneer days and of the days which came after (illegible) in accomplishment and the building of character a moment more enduing than storied. (Illegible) To the family and relatives, most sincere sympathy of the friends all over Texas is extended. Van Alstyne Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |