![]() ![]() A.J. Mershon 1829 - 1908 Isabell Patterson Mershon 1846 - 1914 The Tioga Tribune ....."A. J. Mershon departed this life Sunday morning at 5 o'clock, October 18, 1908, in the St. Joseph Sanitarium at Fort Worth, from the effects of an operation performed on the 12th. Until Saturday he was doing quite well, and some hopes were entertained of his recovery, but at 4 p. m. on that day he began to rapidly sink, passing peacefully away at the time above mentioned. His wife and two sons were at his bedside at the time of his death, and others came in afterwards. All that medical skill and loving, tender nursing and care could do were unavailing, he receiving the very best of attention throughout the entire period, and nothing was left undone to bring about his recovery. The remains were met by a large crowd Sunday afternoon, and were immediately taken to his home in the northeast part of town. ....."Mr. Mershon was born in Garrard County, January 8th, 1829, and was therefore nearing his 80th milestone at the time of his death. In 1859 he was married to Miss Isabel Patterson, a daughter of the well known Judge Patterson of Garrard County, and 12 children were born to this union, 7 of them, 4 boys and 3 girls, surviving him. He removed to Texas in 1880, locating near Tioga, where he has since resided. For 40 years he was a devoted member of the Christian Church, the greater part of that time acting as elder in the congregation here. He was among the charter members of the congregation, which was organized here in 1882, meeting from house to house for worship, until the present church building was erected, he being one of the foremost in promoting that enterprise. This was when Tioga was a mere hamlet, and difficulties in the way of building were numerous. Under his wise counsel the church prospered, its different organizations remaining intact during all these years. He took an active part in the work and worship up to the time of his death." ....."He was a man of unusual business acumen, thrift and never tiring energy, and by these qualities he amassed a considerable fortune, which he personally looked after to the last. Many a man in this community owes his business life to the prompt and ever ready assistance he gave them at critical moments. It can be truthfully said that he was the financial pivot upon which the business interest of this vicinity revolved. He was a self-made man who earned his fortune by close attention to his business affairs." .....Socially, he carried the proverbial Kentucky hospitality with him, and was ever ready to share his board with his friends, and no warmer welcome was ever given than he offered to visitors to his home. He was a interesting and fluent conversationalist, recounting many adventures and incidents of his career which never failed to capture the attention of the listener. The writer of these lines will ever hold in grateful, pleasant memory the many happy hours spent in this worthy man's home. He was the sole of unselfishness in his broad hospitality." ....."Physically, he was over 6 feet in height, muscular and possessed of a remarkable vitality. Until later years he was rarely ever sick, and easily recuperated from any indisposition. His wonderful capacity for long continued work was due to this fact. His mental powers were also unusual, and served him well during his life." ....."His character was unimpeachable, his word as good as his bond, and to every man was rendered what was due him. He was punctual in all his appointments; promptness was a virtue with him. He was the staunchest friend a man could have, and was that kind of a friend who assisted in time of need. He visited the sick and afflicted, was present at the dying bedside, and minstered (sic) comfort and consolation to those in distress." ....."Altogether he was a man of sterling worth to any community, and one that will be sadly missed, especially by those who sought his counsel and knew him best." ....."The remains were interred in the Tioga cemetery, all his children but one being present. The beautiful funeral service at the grave was led by Elder W. D. Darnall of Pilot Point." ....."The Tribune, through the writer, offers its sympathy to bereaved family, assuring them that Bro. Mershon's death is a personal loss to them." ....."The writer can offer no greater tribute than that he was his friend, a loving, tender, almost father to him, and as such he wants to mingle his tears with theirs in morning his death. TIOGA CEMETERY Susan Hawkins © 2024 Grayson County TXGenWeb |