![]() Martha E. Bow 1847 - 1926 Albert W. Bow 1843 - 1930 Albert W. & Martha E Bow 2018 The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, February 18, 1926 pg. 1 WIFE OF A.W. BOW BURIED LAST SUNDAY Mrs. Martha E. Bow, aged wife of A.W. Bow, died at an early hour last Saturday morning, February 13th. at the family home five miles south of Whitewright. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Bethel Church, conducted by Rev. J.L. Truett and Rev. W.J. Epting, Baptist ministers, following the servoce which service the body was conveyed to the Bells Cemetery for interment. The deceased was born October 9, 1847, in Burksville, Kentucky, and at which place she was married to A.W. Bow September 1, 1864. She was the mother of 11 children; her husband and 5 children surviving. The surviving sons are Dr. J.L. Bow and R.A. Bow of Whitewright; O.G. Bow who resides on his farm south of town; and S.E. and E.G. Bow of Caldwell, Idaho. The family came to Texas in 1891, locating near Bells, later acquiring farm property south of Whitewright, and in which community, as in other sections where she had previously lived, Mrs. Bow became known and loved as a true friend and neighbor. The splendid type of citizenship which her several children represent is testimony to her devotion and unerring influence in the home. She had been a member of the Baptist Church for 25 years, served faithfully in that connection, and when death came friends gathered from many sections to pay their tributes of respect and remembrance. The last rites at the bier of this good woman were made impressive by the unusually large number of people present and the generous offering of flowers. Active pallbearers were Dick Russell, Wheeler Russell, C.R. Badgett, C.M. Dillon, B.Y. Spindle and S.E. Wallace. Honorary pallbearers were J.C. Gillespie, Claud Anderson, D.R. Montgomery, J.M. Wright, J.B. Dickson, C.B. Ashley, J.L. Denton, and J.P. Autrey. CARD OF THANKS With undying appreciation of those who came to us in the trying hours of the last illness and death of our loved one, and for floral offerings and a loving sympathy that came as healing balm to our hearts, we give sincerest thanks, and pray that the richest blessings of heaven may be yours. A.W. Bow and Children. ![]() Rose Hill Cemetery Elaine Nall Bay ©2018 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |