Honey Grove Signal (Honey Grove, Fannin Co., TX) Friday, March 27, 1896 HORRIBLY MANGLED Katy Flyer Runs Over a Little Girl and Kills Her Bells, Tex., March 23 - Nellie, the daughter of W.P. Crews, of this place, was run over and instantly killed three miles north of town by the Katy Flyer. The father and two daughters were walking on the track and were on a bridge when the train rounded a curve only a few feet from them, the father gave command for all to jump for their lives. He and one girl jumped, but before Nellie could realize the danger the train had struck her and mangled her beyond recognition. The girl that made the jump had one leg broken and the father landed without injury. The remains were gathered up and put in a little iron wagon that Nellie was dragging after her, and carried to Denison where they were prepared for burial. The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, March 29, 1896 pg. 4 A CHILD'S HORRIBLE FATE Nellie Kennemore Ground to Atoms by a Katy Train Monday morning between 10 and 11 o'clock a distressing accident occurred on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway, about 10 miles southeast from Denison, between Norton and Bells. It appears that W.F. Crews of Bells, accompanied by his stepchildren, Nellie and Mattie Kennemore, had been down to Norton to spend the night, and on the morning in question were enroute home. They were walking down the railroad track and were crossing a tressle just north of Bells when the accident occurred. Mattie, aged 14 years, fell through the trestle, and in the fall the thigh bone of the left leg was broken, and other wounds and bruises were sustained. Nellie, 8 years of age, was caught under the engine and literally ground to atoms. Crews states that he did not see the engine until it was right at them. He called to the children to jump, but in their fright they turned to run. The elder girl missed her footing and fell, with the result as stated, while Nellie, the younger child, was ground to pieces beneath the engine and train. Crews stepped out on the end of a capsill and escaped injury. Engineer Smith stopped his train as quickly as possible and backed up to the scene of the accident. The remains of little Nellie were gathered up. Mattie was placed on an improvised cot, and she and her stepfather came on to Denison. Justice Mixson was notified, and the parts of of the body of the child killed were turned over to Undertaker Lindsey for preparation for burial. Crews and Mattie were carried back to Bells on the noon train. Engineer Smith, of the flyer, in his testimony before the coroner, in substance said: That his engine was working down-grade when the children were struck, and using no steam, consequently it was making little noise. The train rounded a curve a half a mile from where the child was killed, but he did not whistle until he was within 300 feet of them. The train was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour and was perhaps a few minutes late. He applied the air and emergency brakes when he saw the children were on the trestle, and stopped the train after he had passed them some 500 feet. He stated that Crews, the stepfather of the children, did not jump, but stood on the caps of the bridge. FROM Find-A-Grave Nellie was the daughter of William Daniel Kennemore #14355528 and Susan E. Brown Kennemore Crews #40966878, who were married October 8, 1881 in Lamar Co., Texas ![]() Rose Hill Cemetery Elaine Nall Bay ©2018 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |