![]() Martha A. Carter 1843 - 1924 John L. Carter 1838 - 1923 The Bonham Daily Favorite Friday, July 6, 1923 pg. 2 J.L. Carter Dead Death has again visited our little town and claimed a person ripe in years, ripe in experience, ripe in suffering. At 3 o'clock yesterday morning Mr. J.L. Carter answered the final summons and passed out of this earthly tabernacle. Mr. Carter had been a citizen of Savoy for about 25 years and was a progressive business man, in favor of those things that make a better town and contributed his share toward any public improvement. As long as he was able to go, he led a very active life, in fact, during the 6 years since he was stricken with disease, he never gave up until his body was so emaciated he had no store of vitality from which to draw. Sixty years ago he was married to Miss Martha Rigney and to them were born six children, four of whom are living and all of whom were with him in his last hours, except Mrs. Alire Cullar, who has sickness in her family. Those here were Mrs. Nora Stinnett of Van Alstyne, Mrs. J.J. Swinney and W.P. Carter of Savoy; also 9 grandchildren were present. Mr. Carter was 85 years old and had been a member of the church of Christ for 14 years. The funeral was conducted at the church this afternoon at 2:30 by F.L. Young of Paris, for many years a personal friend of the family. The body was interred in Rose Hill Cemetery near Bells - - - Savoy Star. ![]() Mrs.
Martha Ann Carter, nee Rigney, was born in Liberty, Casey County, Kentucky,
February 1, 1843, and was the youngest and last survivor of a family of 6
children. At the age of 14 she became one of the charter
members of the Church of Christ in Liberty and was a consistent
Christian until the day of her death.
In May 1863, she was married to John L. Carter, with whom she lived as faithful helpmate 61 years, going through the trying days of reconstruction after the Civil War. In 1876 they moved to Texas, making their home near Van Alstyne at old Mantua. After living there 15 years, they moved to Whitewright and a few years later to Savoy, which place was her home until July 5th, 1923 when the loyal husband answered roll-call in the skies. Since the time of his death, from which she never seemed to rally, she made her home, except for short intervals with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Stinnett of this city. Rarely devoted as wife and mother and a faithful friend, it is no small wonder that her going leaves a vacancy that can never be filled in the hearts of those who loved her. What more could be said, What greater words of eloquence used, That would express more beautifully the character of her, Than the simple words so often spoken by her friends, "She was a good woman." Of sturdy, pioneer stock she was strong and brave of spirit though frail of body, until her release came January 30, 1924. We cannot wish her back when we picture the unutterable joy and beauty that must have been that meeting when her tired spirit was reunited with those of husband and children gone before. Of the 7 children that were hers, 4 remain to mourn her loss, i.e. Mrs. Will Stinnett of Van Alstyne; Mrs. Jno. Sweeney of Savoy; Mrs. George Cullers of Slaton, Texas; and Mrs. W.P. Carter of Savoy. After a brief word of prayer and song the remains were carried by highway to Savoy, where for a few minutes the body remained in the home of Mrs. Jno. Sweeney, a daughter, who because of recent severe illness, was unable to leave her home. Here a few fitting remarks much appreciated by the family were made by Mr. J.D.L. McKinney of Van Alstyne. After which the cortege proceeded and the funeral proper was conducted in the Church of Christ. A fitting tribute to what her life has been was seen in the presence of 250 school children who with other friends packed the little church to its doors. After a very tender and simple service spoken by her pastor and life-time friend, Rev. Frank Young of Paris, she was laid to rest under a mound of flowers in the Bells cemetery. Those attending from here and from other places were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stinnett; Mr. and Mrs. Orr Stinnett; Guy Stinnett; Mrs. Sarah Stinnett; Mrs. Rus Lindsey; Miss Lillian Lindsey; Mrs. Jim Stinnett; Mrs. Jim Stinnett; Mrs. Anne Clipper; Doc McKinney; Lyman Umphress; Charlie Carter of Van Alstyne; Mrs. Dow Rattan, Anna; Mrs. Del Mason, Dallas; Mrs. Horace Melton; Mrs. Fannie Davis; Vincent Davis; Fred Rigney; Bob Rigney; Mrs. Alice Scales; Mrs. Del Crabb; Will Crabb; Miss Lucille Crabb, Leonard. Those from Savoy attending the service were: Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Carter, Miss Ina Carter, Miss Ruth Carter, J.D. Carter, Mrs. Leslie Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Perry ?all, Mr. and Mrs. Lark Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Till Baldwin, Miss Maurine Wright, Mr. and Mrs. McLemore, Mr. League. ![]() Rose Hill Cemetery Elaine Nall Bay ©2018 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |