Johann Atnip 1858 - 1927 Joe J. Atnip 1856 - 1949 Sherman Daily Democrat
Monday, July 31, 1916 pg. 1 CARBOLIC ACID ENDS CHARLES ATNIP'S LIFE Sherman Young Man Died at Home of Parents at Noon Today Charles E. Atnip, 37 years of age, died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Atnip, No. 907 South Throckmorton street shortly before noon today from the effects of taking carbolic acid. Mr. Atnip resided with his family at No. 1011 South Maxey street, and both he and his wife worked at the overall factory. He went to work as usual this morning, operating a button machine, but about 10 o'clock quit work and told Dave Golden, by whose side he worked, that he was going home and take some medicine. He also told his wife the same thing. Shortly afterward he appeared at the home of his parents and told his mother, Mrs. J.J. Atnip, that he had come down to spend the day with her and even suggested what he would like to have for dinner. A little later he told Mrs. Atnip, his mother, that he was going to take some medicine and stepped into another room to get some water. In a moment he reappeared and told his mother that he had taken carbolic acid and begged her to save him. Medical assistance was called and his wife was notified. He was dead however, when a physician reached the place, expiring in a few minutes after taking the carbolic acid. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Maggie Atnip, and two children, a boy and a girl. Justice C.A. Barker will hold an inquest. The funeral arrangements have not been announced. Ill health is assigned as the cause. Sherman Daily Democrat Friday, August 4, 1916 pg. 4 CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our appreciation of the many acts of kindness shown us by our friends and neighbors at the death and burial of our husband, son and father. For the words of sympathy and comfort in our dark hour and for the generous offering of beautiful flowers we are especially grateful. Mrs. C. E. Atnip and family ![]() Rose Hill Cemetery Elaine Nall Bay ©2018 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |