Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Galveston Daily News
Wednesday, April 29, 1891
pg. 1

Denison, Texas, April 28 - On the 10th instant A.F. Lankford, living with his family, wife and 4 children in west Denison, left
for Lehigh, I.T., where he entered the employ
of a Mr. Pollard.  Lankford worked 3 days, and on the third night disappeared, and as yet nothing has been learned as to his whereabouts.  Lankford is about 30 years of age.  He was very devoted to his family.  It is feared that he has been murdered.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 3, 1891
pg. 4

During November, 1889, a man by the name of A.F. Landford, in company with his family, consisting of wife and four children arrived in Denison from Paris, Texas. The husband obtained employment at the Knaur foundry at which place he continued to work until about the first of April this year. On the 7th ult, he left for Lehigh where, on the 8th, he entered the employ of a Mr. Pollard, expecting to send for his family as soon as a house could be secured. On the evening of the 10th he took supper at his boarding house, but since then nothing whatever has been heard of his whereabouts. His wife went up to Lehigh on Saturday of last week, and in company with local officers and Mr. Pollard made a thorough search of Lehigh and the surrounding country, thinking that he might have met a violent death, but the search was absolutely worthless. Mr. Lankford was intelligent and industrious and very devoted to his family. If he has not been murdered, his actions are certainly mysterious.

Cold Case

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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