Grayson County TXGenWeb

Miami (FL) Daily News
Wednesday, April 29, 1925

Arthur D. Jackson, 65 years of age, blue eyes, light mustache, small stature.
Spent his time at libraries and in research work along botanical lines.
Anyone having information of his whereabouts, please notify:
C.E. Stephens
1815 W. Bond St.
Denison, Texas

Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, Arkansas)
Wednesday, July 22, 1925
pg. 4

Washington, July 21 - Alarm is felt here for the safety of Arthur D. Jackson, 70, former resident of Denison, Texas, reported missing since last October.  He roomed in the house of James L. Tolliver when in this city spending part of the winters in Florida and part of the summers in Boston.
Jackson, well to do, had business dealings in Tulsa, Oklahoma with A.S. Burrows, who was in Washington today to enlist the aid of the police in a nation-wide search.  The missing man, who had been in the trucking business in Texas and retired, was interested in the study of botany and had spent much of his time in such explorations along the Atlantic coast from Florida to Maine.

Pampa (TX) Daily News
Friday, November 20, 1931
pg. 8

Denison, November 20 (AP) - Seven years after his mysterious disappearance, heirs to the estate of Arthur D. Jackson are preparing to file application to probate his will.  A.J. Baker of Hartford City, Indiana, nephew of Jackson, is preparing to file application.
Jackson, who lived in Denison a number of years and achieved more than average success in truck farming, disappeared in October 1924.  He had spent the summer in the east, principally at Boston.  From Boston he went to Washington, D.C. and was last heard from when he left Washington for Florida.
Relatives and friends feel that he is no longer alive.  After 7 years the court can legally announce him dead.  Upon leaving Denison for his trip, fully expecting to return, he deposited his money in a Denison bank, authorizing the institution to invest it for him.  He was a bachelor.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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