![]() Dallas Morning
February 25, 1886 pg.1 "Shot by a masked burglar" Deed of Desperadoism at Denison, A sleeping man chloroformed, robbed of money and jewelry and his roommate probably fatally wounded. Denison, Feb. 24 - A most daring burglary, and probably a murder, was committed in this city between 12 and 1 o'clock this morning. John Conlisk and O.M. Kimmis, brakemen, occupy a room together at Mrs. Kinder's, south of the compress and near the Missouri, Kansas and Texas yard. Last night about 10:30 o'clock, Conlisk retired. Between 12 and 1 o'clock Kimmis returning home discovered a man sitting on the side of the walk about two doors from Mrs. Kinder's house. Thinking it some one he knew, he started to walk up to the man, who got up and walked off across the street. Thinking nothing of this, Kimmis went on to his room. The house was quiet and a bright light burned in his room. He went to the door and found it partly open. He placed his hand on the knob and attempted to push it open, but something was behind it. Thinking it only a chair placed there by his roommate, he continued to push the door open, which gradually gave way to the pressure. When he entered he discovered Conlisk laying on the bed sleeping heavily. In an instant it flashed through his mind that something was wrong. He then looked behind the door. To his horror there stood a man of medium stature with pistol in hand and a mask over his face. All was now plain. Kimmis said: "You -- --! " at the same time grabbing the villain. A flash, a report and Kimmis lay prostrate on the floor with a 44-caliber bullet through the body. The burglar and murderer fled precipitately. Assistance soon arrived and Dr. Acheson and Nagle were sent for. They did all they could for the wounded man. It was found the ball entered just below the heart, passed through the liver and kidneys and came out at the right side of the back, below the shoulder, and passed on through a zinc trunk and lodged in some clothing in it. Conlisk did not regain consciousness until it was all over, though he says he heard everything, but could not get up. The supposition is that the burglar was well acquainted with the surrounding and knew the men had just been paid off; that entering the house he chloroformed Conlisk, robbed him of about $75 in money, a pair of sleeve buttons, of light gray color, with Hot Springs diamonds in the center, a plain gold collar button, a knife, with white pearl handle, three inches long, pearl broken on both sides, a pocketbook and other small articles. When ready to leave Kimmis' arrival caused the burglar to hide, and finding that he was discovered, shot him down in cold blood. Vigorous efforts are being made to apprehend the would-be murderer, but so far without success. Latest - Kimmis' condition critical. Kimmis, who was shot last night by the burglar, is resting quietly to-night, under the effects of opiates. The result of the wound is doubtful. The chances are considered as against his recovery. No clew (sic) as to who the perpetrator is has yet been obtained. ![]() Dallas Morning
February 26, 1886 pg. 6 Denison Notes ". . . A man was arrested at Pottsboro last night charged with shooting Kimmis. An officer went to Pottsboro this morning to identify him, but as there was nothing offered to connect him with the crime he was released. Mr. Kimmis still lives, but is in a critical condition. Mr. Kimmis is resting easy tonight. No clew (sic) yet to the villain who shot him." ![]() Dallas Morning
March 1, 1886 pg. 5 Denison local events. Special to the News. Denison, Feb. 28 - Mrs. Kimmis, mother of O.M. Kimmis, who was recently shot by a burglar, has arrived from Pan Point, Michigan. Kimmis is doing very well, and his physicians have hope of his recovery. ![]() Dallas Morning News March 3, 1886 pg. 3 Denison "A man named Smith was arrested last night, supposed to be the burglar and murderer of Mr. Kimmis, and was jailed to await developments. For a time last night after his arrest the indications were that he would be hanged before morning, quite a number of people having assembled for the purpose about 10 o'clock this morning, but as the evidence against him is only circumstantial, cooler counsel prevailed and he was let alone until an investigation can be made. He was released this morning, as no evidence was found against him. Mr. O.M. Kimmis, who was shot by a burglar, died this morning at 11 o'clock from his wounds. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict that Kimmis came to his death by some person unknown to the jury. The post mortem examination showed that the ball entered the left breast passing through the liver and kidneys and coming out between eleventh and twelfth ribs. ![]() The Austin Weekly Statesman Austin Texas January 10 1889 pg. 9 A CONFESSION The Mystery of a Former Tragedy at Denison Finally Cleared Up Special Telegram to the Statesman Denison, January 7 - On the morning of February 25, 1885, O.M. Kimmis, an extra freight conductor on the Missouri Kansas and Texas railway, returned to his room on Morton street. His room-mate, Conductor J.D. Conlisk, had retired for the night, but left the light burning awaiting Kimmis. When Kimmis stepped upon the porch in front of the house he noticed a man sitting on the edge of the porch with his head resting on his hands. Kimmis supposed the man was one of the boarders and passed through the hall and noticed that the door leading to his room was open. He naturally supposed that some one was in the room. He looked behind the door and there stood a man. The fellow sprang forward and made an effort to pass Kimmis, but the young man grasped the rascal by the arm and struck at him. Then ensued a desperate struggle, in which the chairs and the stove were overturned. The burglar was a man of powerful physique, and shook Kimmis loose and drew from his breast pocket a revolver and fired a shot point blank at Kimmis. The bullet struck him in the breast, passed through and lodged in a trunk. The report awakened Conlisk, who jumped up in time to see the burglar retreating and disappear out of the door and see Kimmis stagger to the bed and lie down. Kimmis lived some time after being wounded and described the man as being thick set and heavy, wearing a black suit and slouch hat, and had a colored, silk handkerchief over the lower part of his face. At the crack of the pistol the man who was sitting on the porch, and who afterwards proved to be a confederate of the burglar, disappeared, and as no trace of burglar and murderer could be found the tragedy was wrapped in mystery. A few months after a report gained circulation that Fred Griffin, a gambler of this city, at that time knew more about the affair than anyone. Griffith left Denison shortly after, and from time to time it was reported that he had been killed. About nine months ago Griffith was again reported dead. This time it fortunately proved true, he having been shot and mortally wounded in a saloon row in San Bernardino, California, and it is said that before he fell he killed on of his assailants and mortally wounded the other. After being shot he lived several days, but seeing that he could not live, he recounted his evil deeds to the woman he claimed to be his wife, and among them was the killing of O.M. Kimmis. Kimmis' description of the burglar tallies with the dead gambler. It is a well known fact that Griffith carried both a heavy caliber revolver and a dirk in his breast pocket. Thus, after nearly three years have elapsed, the mystery surrounding the bloody tragedy is cleared up, and Kimmis' death is due to Griffith's six shooter. Griffith came from Missouri, near St. Louis, and always bore the reputation of a man who would steal or kill with impunity for the sake of gain. Considerable excitement was created this evening by the evening Dispatch publishing the facts. Grayson County
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