Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Daily Democrat
Monday, January 27, 1919
pg. 4

Negro Waylaid and Killed

Floyd Edwards, known as "Parson Edwards", a well known Negro employed at the Katy shops in Denison, was waylaid and fatally shot while returning to his home in Denison Saturday night, according to a report here. It was stated that almost the entire top of Edward's head was blown off by a 12-gauge shotgun shell, fired at close range. His body was found some time after the shooting is thought to have occurred. No arrests have been made.
Edwards is said to have been a most estimable Negro, well regarded by both his own people and white persons. For this reason, the shooting is regarded as somewhat of a mystery. Edwards is said to have a "double" who also works at the shops in Denison and some believe that he was killed by mistake. He leaves a wife and one child. He lived in East Denison, owning his home.

Sherman Daily Democrat
Wednesday, January 29, 1919
pg. 8

Slayer of Floyd Edwards, Colored, remains Mystery

The killing of Floyd (Buster) Edwards, colored, who was waylaid and fatally shot at the Munson street bridge that crosses the Texas and Pacific tracks, Saturday night at 11:30, remains as much a mystery as when the body was found.
A number of witnesses have been put through the closest examination by the officers conducting the investigation and for a time yesterday they believed that they had struck a good clue. However, when they found and investigated the rumor the man had a good alibi and further effort along that line was dropped.
Edwards was buried Tuesday. His father-in-law stated that Edwards was a preacher, very devout and always attended to his own business. The father-in-law was of the opinion that Edward's assailant had intended to kill some other man, possibly the father-in-law's own son, but made a mistake and shot the son-in-law. - Denison Gazette

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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