Morning News
January 6, 1886 A RASH RESORT TO THE RAZOR _________________ SUICIDE OF A MAN NEAR SHERMAN ____________________ Theory That He Was Temporarily Insane, Judge Silas Hare on a Mission to Washington -- Sherman News. ____________________ Special to The News SHERMAN, Jan. 5 - News was received in Sherman this morning of a horrible case of self-murder which occurred last night in this county about nine miles northeast of the city, and about four miles from the town of Bells, from which place the intelligence was gleaned by THE NEWS reporter. A young man by the name of Jim Cross was going out to cut some timber this morning, when to his horror he found the body of a dead man, with his THROAT CUT FROM EAR TO EAR lying immediately in his path. He made a hasty examination and found that the dead man was Sam Washburn. The neighborhood was alarmed at once and a telegram forwarded to Justice Henkle to come and hold an inquest. Washburn was about 30 years of age, had no family, and was living with two other brothers at his mother's house. He had been acting very strangely for the last few days, but no one suspected that he intended to take his own life. He was formerly a resident of fort Worth, and had been living at the present place only about one year. THE NEWS reporter has it from reliable sources that he had been insane for quite a period, but as that was years ago, everybody, even his nearest relatives and those of his most intimate associates, thought he had entirely recovered. The razor with which it is supposed he committed self-murder was found lying near him covered with blood. The body was cold when found, and it is supposed the deed must have been committed about midnight. He was of sober habits and was not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors of any character. His mother and brothers are nearly heartbroken. Justice Adams, of Denison, held the inquest and rendered a verdict in accordance with the above facts. ![]() Susan Hawkins
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