Worth Daily Gazette
Fort Worth, Texas Sunday, December 26, 1886 pg 2 SHERMAN Special to the Gazette Sherman, Tex., Dec. 25. - Justice Hinkle was called out to the country five miles from the city at 8 o'clock this morning to hold an inquest over the dead body of a man by the name of Richard Lambert, who committed suicide by taking a large quantity of morphine. He had been sick for some time, had become discouraged and resolved to take his own life. He took the morphine early yesterday morning. Physicians were summoned, who worked hard with him all day, but could do no good, and he died late in the afternoon. Lambert was a native of Kentucky, about thirty-nine years of age. He has been in this state only a short while and leaves no family. The jury came back to the city at noon, and rendered a verdict that Richard Lambert came to his death by taking morphine for the purpose of killing himself. ![]() Grayson County
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