Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sherman Courier
Saturday, November 17, 1917
pg 1


Alex Glipky Committed Suicide Yesterday Morning by Shooting Himself in Temple.

Special to the Courier
Denison, Texas, Nov. 16 - Alex Glipky, 76 years old, a well-known German citizen of this city, committed suicide about 10:30 o'clock this morning by shooting himself in the temple with a 38-calibre revolver. The affair occurred in the servant's house at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Franz Kohfeldt. Mr. Glipky had been in bad health for sometime and had become despondent over his condition.
He is survived by his wife and Mrs. Kohfeldt of this city, and another daughter who lives in Budapest, Hungary. Funeral services will be held at the family residence at 3:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, followed by interment in the local cemetery.
Mr. Glipky was born in Germany, but came to America when a young man. For thirty-five years he was publisher of the Fort Worth Anzeiger, one of the leading German papers of Texas, but was forced to give it up a few years ago on account of ill health. For the past
two and a half years he had been making his home in Denison.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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