Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, June 10, 1883
pg. 4

An old man, a stranger, who gave his name as E. Conchdall, was found lying in the park Friday morning in a dying condition.  He was taken to the calaboose, and Dr. Wilkens summoned.  The man had taken morphine, and although he revived under the Doctor's treatment, he died in the afternoon.

The following written on a card was found on his person:
"I commit this act because I am out of money.  I have tried every way to get something to do, but the answer is, 'you are too old to work.'  I am to proud to beg, to honest to steal.  I have always in former days had plenty.  I am very old as you can see, and if you will lay me
away in a common way I will be grateful now.  As I write this I want nothing more.  I have got to take the balance hereafter.  I am not known here and don't want to be.
Very Respectfully,

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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