Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily Herald
Thursday, January 24, 1878
pg. 4

This morning a man by the name of Watson assaulted J.H. Slater, President of the Drovers and Planters Bank at the cashier's window in the banking house.  The attack, from what the Herald can learn, was entirely uncalled for, and was unexpected by Mr. Slater, who had turned away from the window when Watson struck him a heavy blow on the head with a cane.  The cause of Watson's ire was the efforts of the bank to collect a note which it held against him.  After striking the blow, Watson hastily left the bank and was afterwards arrested.
Watson, the belligerant who assaulted Mr. Slater this morning was arraigned before 'Squire Kirk and fined $25 and cost.  Refusing to pay the damages, he was committed to jail.

Denison Daily Herald
Friday, January 25, 1878
pg. 4

....Watson is pretty well known in this community.  He has been engaged lately in selling tracts and bibles, and professes to be a very devout Christian.  He action of Thursday, however, shows that he has never made himself acquainted with or followed the good advice given in the book he has been trying to press upon others.
Mr. Watson defended him self in a letter from the jail, written January 25, 1878, and printed in the same days' edition of The Denison Daily News.  He began with stating that the newspaper had done him an injustice and placed him in the wrong light to the public.  He referenced the account of the "assault" on Mr. Slater.  He claimed that Mr. Slater had pretended to have a claim against him in the amount of $650 and thus refused to give him money from his account, and this after pleading with Mr. Slater in the name of his helpless family which was dependent upon him for support.  Mr. Watson claimed that the bank had obtained a "note" by fraud and that he had even advertised in the Daily News several months earlier requesting Mr. Slater to arrest the party responsible and recovery his money and bring the guilty party to justice; Mr. Watson also claimed to have reported the incident to Col. Hughes, one of the directors of the bank, who as well, did nothing about the situation.  (The Denison Daily News, January 26, 1878)  Mr. Watson was soon released from jail under a bond of $100 to await a new trial Monday, January 28, 1878.  (The Denison Daily News, Sunday, January 27, 1878)  The new trial was postponed until Wednesday, January 30; his father, a prominent Baptist minister in Illinois, was telegraphed and expected to be at the trial.  (The Denison Daily News, Tuesday, January 29, 1878, pg. 4)

The Daily News
Thursday, January 31, 1878
pg. 4
Mr. Watson Again in Limbo

D.R. Watson, who committed the assault on Mr. J.H. Slater, President of the Drovers bank, was again placed in jail Wednesday.  The charge of assault was not processed by the county attorney Wednesday morning, and the charge of aggravated assault was entered, and a bond of $500 required, which he was unable to give.
It is stated that Watson has been an inmate of the insane asylum several years and was only a few years ago discharged as cured.  Parties who claim to be well acquainted with him, state that he is now subject to periodical attacks of insanity.
His trial is set for Friday, and as the charge against him is clearly proven, we expect it will go pretty hard with him.

The Daily News

Saturday, February 2, 1878
pg. 4

The case of D.R. Watson, charged with aggravated assault, was tried Friday afternoon before Judge Kirk.
A number of witnesses were examined, among them Rev. G.W. Cottingham.  His testimony as to the mental condition of
the accused was to the effect that he was of unsound mind, whereupon A.R. Cowles, the
county attorney, entered a nol pros.

Denison Daily News
Sunday, February 3, 1878

Mr. D.R. Watson, the gentleman who has been somewhat prominently before the public for the past week, in connection with trials before the magistrate, for assaulting Mr. Slater of the Drovers and Planters Bank, was re-arrested Saturday morning on an information of lunacy, filed with the county judge.  Mr. Watson accompanied an officer to Sherman Saturday evening, where he will remain in jail until Tuesday next, when the question of his sanity or insanity will be determined by a jury of twelve men.

Denison Daily News
Sunday, February 17, 1878
pg. 8

We see by the Sherman papers that D.R. Watson, who was found insane by the county court, has been turned over to E.J. Harvey to be taken care of.

Denison Daily News
Wednesday, February 20, 1878
pg. 4

Mr. W.E. Hutchinson, a prominent gentleman from Dallas, was in the city Tuesday, to consult with H.L. Haynes, Esq., attorney for D.R. Watson, regarding that gentleman.  Mr. Hutchinson is an old friend of Mr. Watson, and is desirous of aiding him by having him released from confinement in the Sherman jail and caring for him in Dallas.  The gentleman returned to Dallas on the evening train in order to make the necessary arrangements.

The Denison Daily Herald
Tuesday, March 5, 1878
pg. 4

D.R. Watson, who recently assaulted J.H. Slater, president of the Drovers and Planters Bank, arrived in the city this morning from Sherman.  Mr. Watson, who was declared insane and has been confined in the county jail, has been set at liberty until such time as his case is disposed of by the District Court which meets next Monday.

The Daily News
Saturday, March 30, 1878

Judge Kirk's court was occupied all day Friday and until 11 o'clock at night in the trial of the suit of David R. Watson against the Drovers' and Planters' Bank.  The suit originated in the detention by the bank of $175, the balance of a draft left by Mr. Watson for collection.  Mr. Watson was represented by H.L. Haynes, and Maj. W.M. Woods, and the bank by F.N. Robertson and R.C. Foster.  The jury returned a verdict for the amount sued for.  The case will likely be appealed.

The Denison Daily Herald
Tuesday, July 16, 1878
pg. 4

D.R. Watson, who last fall got himself into a difficulty by too free use of his bois d'arc stick, is back from his confinement and is loud in his threats to shoot somebody.  The police will take him in charge.

Susan Hawkins

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