Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Daily News
Saturday, February 2, 1878
pg. 4

Jefferson McGreevy, who is subject to periodical attacks of insanity, has shown violent symptoms of late, so much so as to create alarm among the neighbors.  On several occasions he has pursued persons with a butcher knife, and Friday morning he made a similar attack upon his father, Mr. P. McGreevy, and also upon Mr. Bartee.
Public safety demands that this young man be taken care of by the authorities.  If he is not a proper subject for the asylum
he certainly should not be allowed freedom to make murderous attacks upon our citizens.

Denison Daily News

Sunday, February 3, 1878

Jefferson McGreevy, son of Mr. P. McGreevy, against whom complaints were made by the neighbors, charging that he is
of unsound mind and endangers their lives, was taken to the Sherman jail, Saturday,
by Deputy Sheriff Person.  He will be examined Monday by a jury, in regard to his mental condition.

The Daily News
Friday, October 4, 1878
pg. 4

Mr. P. McGreevy has received a letter from Dr. Bauduy, under whose treatment his son has been placed in St. Louis.  The doctor writes a very hopeful letter, stating that his charge is improving very rapidly.
Mr. McGreevy has also received some very affectionate epistles from his son, which show that the mental condition of the young man is much improved.  His complete recovery is only a question of time.

Susan Hawkins

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