Grayson County TXGenWeb
Sherman Daily Democrat
Friday, March 16, 1917
pg 4


Of Unsound Mind
On recommendation of a board of physicians, Susie Nations, a young woman of this city, was found to be of unsound mind
in the county court yesterday and will be placed in a state institution as soon as room for her can be secured. She is living with her mother in this city for the present.

Sherman Daily Democrat

Friday, March 23, 1917
pg. 4

Adjudged of Unsound Mind

Mrs. Dosie Kincaid, living at present with her mother in Denison, was adjudged to be of unsound mind in the county court this morning, and will be recommended for a place in one of the state asylums.

Sherman Daily Democrat
Friday, March 30, 1917
pg. 4

Sheriff Tom Roberts left this afternoon for San Antonio carrying with him Miss Susie Nations of Sherman and Miss Dosia Kincaid of Denison, both of whom were recently adjudged in the county court to be of unsound mind, where he will place them in the asylum for the insane.

Susan Hawkins

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