Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily News
Wednesday, February 20, 1878
pg. 4

Friday night several tramps were found in the hay stacks at the stock yards and arrested.  They were tried on the charge of vagrancy and enrolled in the chain gang.  One of them, Cornelius Kief, was found to be demented.  From conversation with him, and the statement of others who knew him, it was learned that he has been an inmate of an insane asylum several years, and was only recently discharged as cured.  He has a brother living in East Sedalia, named John Kief, a saloon keeper and said to be well to do.  The mayor of this city addressed a letter to him Tuesday, informing him of the condition of his brother, and requesting him to take him away.  The man in jail though not exactly dangerous is certainly no fit subject to run around, and a jail is not the proper place to keep him, but under the circumstances the authorities were compelled to lock him up, several complaints having been made against him.

Susan Hawkins

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