Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
April 17, 1924
pg 1


Sherman, April 14 - A. L. (Tony Hill) Jones, Denison business man and real estate dealer, was adjudged of unsound mind at a trial before a lunacy court held at the county jail in Sherman Monday morning and ordered restrained until arrangements can be made to send him to one of the State's institutions for the insane. The complaint against Mr. Jones was signed by Jailer Ross Stark after he had been brought to Sherman Sunday afternoon from Sulphur, Okla., by officers from that city.
Mr. Jones was examined by a commission of three physicians at the county jail Sunday afternoon, and two of these testified  at the hearing Monday morning that in their opinion the defendant was of unsound mind. The physicians were Dr. W. L. Smith of Denison and Dr. Enloe of Sherman. Fred Mauldin of Denison was the only witness heard. He testified that Mr. Jones had been gradually losing his health for the past year and that he had apparently suffered a breakdown in his mentality about one week ago.
Sulphur, Okla., officers took Mr. Jones in custody at Sulphur on last Friday, where he had gone on business. His actions before a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce there are said to have led to the insanity charge.

Susan Hawkins

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