Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, January 15, 1893

Sunday night a middle aged lady arrived at the union depot from the south over the Houston and Texas Central railway. 
She took a seat in the ladies' waiting room and in answer to inquiries from Depot
Master Killert she stated that she was
from Dallas.  She did not know where she wished to go and refused
to leave the room.  She remained in the building all day Monday refusing to eat or give any account of herself.  It was evident that the lady was somewhat demented but as she did not want for funds and seemed amply able to take care of herself she was allowed her liberty.  Monday she left on a southbound train and she is evidently the same woman spoken of below, which was taken from the Sherman correspondence in Wednesday's Dallas News.

Policeman Kelley to-day filed in the county court a writ of lunatico inquirendo against an unknown woman who had been wandering aimlessly about in East Sherman since last evening.  She was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Shrewsburg and brought to the court house where she presented a pitiable sight as she sat and cried, the tears leaving their marks on her face, which appeared as if it had not been washed for several days.  She was well dressed and had some money, but no one had been able to get her to speak except in monosyllables.
She would talk to no one in the court room until Mr. E. Eppstein was called and to him she imparted the information that her names was Louise Horstmaun, that she was a native of Germany, coming direct to Galveston, from which place she seems to have wandered off into the interior.  The last place she says she worked was in Ft. Worth, where she says she was employed by a family named Henderson.  She gives as a reason for leaving their employ that they slammed a door to when she passed out of it, leaving it open.
She appears perfectly harmless.
A kind German family has her with them and it may be that she will tell them more of what will probably develop into a very sad history.  It is reported that she was in Denison for a day or two and refused to either eat or talk.

Susan Hawkins

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