![]() Sherman
Daily Register
Thursday, October 4, 1900 pg.4 PITIABLE CASE Of an Old Woman Who GIves Name of Sarah Hazzard This morning an old woman with snows of many winters on her head stepped into the grocery store of J.E. Cunningham & Co., on South Travis street, and asked for a drink of water in which to take some medicine, stating she was ill. Mr. Cunningham learned in a nearby drug store that she had already taken quite a dose of bromide and did not let her have water. City Physician Winn was called in and made careful inquiries, upon the strength of which he went to the county clerk and at once filed a complaint charging her with insanity. Later on in the morning Deputy Sheriff Russell, who was given the process for her detention, found Mrs. Hazzard in a horse car in East Mulberry street and took her in custody. She was taken to the Houston street jail. This afternoon the unfortunate woman was placed on hearing before Judge Woods. Physicians to whom she has applied for treatment during the last few days were placed on the stand. It appears from their statements that she is beset by the peculiar hallucination that she is being slowly eaten alive by worms and imagines that she can catch them with her hands. The jury found her to be insane and said she ought to be restrained. She was taken back to jail. Dr. Winn states the case is a curable one. ![]() Sherman Daily Register Monday October 8, 1900 WANTED HER MOTHER And the Judge Gave Her an Order to the Jailer for Her. Saturday afternoon a young woman little more than a child came in tears to the office of County Judge Woods and asked to be allowed to take her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hazzard, from jail where she had been committed upon a conviction for lunacy. After securing from her a promise to be very careful in the responsibility she was about to take upon herself, the court issued an order to Warden Chancellor and the daughter left a happy woman. Grayson County
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