Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Denison Daily Herald
Wednesday, November 14, 1906
pg. 3

Theodore Elkin, a Young Tom Bean Farmer, Mentally Deranged

Sherman, Tex., Nov. 14 - Theodore Elkin, a young farmer of Tom Bean was adjudged insane yesterday afternoon in the county court.  He is twenty six years of age and was born and raised at Tom Bean. For three years he has been employed
on the farm of _.H. Pennell and until lately had been a
faithful workman.

Recently, however, he became reticent and would hardly speak to anyone, or converse on any subject. To the question of Judge Webb yesterday . . . whether he knew what he had been brought into court for Elkins responded that he thought he had been brought there for insanity but to other questions he made no intelligent answers.  The father of the young man, ___ Elkin of Tom Bean, testified . . . the mother and a brother of this . . . had been under treatment for mental trouble.

Susan Hawkins

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