Grayson County TXGenWeb
The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, January 15, 1911
pg. 2

Items of local and General Interest Taken From the Columns at the Denison Gazetteer
Week Ending May 16, 1885

J.T. Caudle, a painter, became suddenly insane.  His trouble seemed to be religion on the brain.  He harangued the public on the street corners, preaching and singing psalms, and made so much noise the officers had to lock him up.  He spent most of the time in jail preaching to the spirits in prison.  Caudle was a good citizen when in his right mind and strictly honest, but he was subject to frequent attacks of religious mania.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 17, 1885
pg. 1, 4

The case of T.J. Caudle for insanity was investigated before Judge Gregg, in Judge Adams' office, Friday night. The jury brought in a verdict of insanity, and the court ordered him to be restrained.

Friday - T.J. Caudle gave an open air sermon on Main street, drawing quite a crowd.  He was a fervent worker.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 31, 1885
pg. 4


Monday - Caudle, the crazy painter, it was reported, went to Sherman, was arrested for disturbing the peace and was sent to the county farm.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, June 21, 1885
pg. 3

Caudle, who has been arrested twice and confined on the poor farm near Sherman, was on our streets several times during the past week, haranguing crowds of curious people.  A man who can give expression to the sentiment, that he can imbue his hands in his brother's blood and be forgiven of by God, is a crank that should be taken care of.  He is possessed of a religious fanaticism which impelled Gardner and other like ilk to sacrifice their children in the name of God.  He should be taken to the poor farm and confined there until he gives evidence of better behavior.  A jury of competent citizens have passed upon his sanity, and the verdict was, that he was of unsound mind.  Why he has twice been given his liberty we do not understand.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, July 12, 1885
pg. 1

Wednesday - The man Caudle who was crazy on the subject of religion, and was confined for a time at the county farm, has gone to Nashville, Tennessee, with his family.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 8, 1887
pg. 4

Sunday School Convention
The following is the programme of the Tenth Annual Convention of the Grayson County Sunday School Convention, to be held at Denison, Texas, Thursday and Friday, May 12 and 13, 1887 in the Methodist Episcopal Church....
Committee on Entertainment....J.T. Caudle and F.P. Chase, South Methodist

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, June 19, 1887  
pg. 4

M.E. District Conference
The Sherman District Conference of the Southern Methodist church convened Wednesday at 9:30 o'clock p.m. at  the M.E. Church on Chestnut street.  The following delegates were present:
...Lay Delegates - ...J.T. Caudle...

Susan Hawkins

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