![]() The
Whitewright Sun
November 3, 1916 pg 6 Wife's Throat Cut, Husband In Jail Sherman, Tex., Oct. 31 - The sheriff's department was notified about 2 o'clock this morning of a serious cutting at the farm home of Henry Harris, living seven miles east of Whitesboro. Deputies Henry DeSpain and Lloyd Etchison went out in an automobile, and there found Mrs. Carrie Cantrell, wife of Edgar Cantrell, who had been visiting at the house, with her throat cut, the outer jugular being severed. They took in custody Edgar Cantrell, husband of the woman, and placed in the county jail in Sherman, filing a complaint against him charging him with assault to murder. The officers found Cantrell in a bed in another room on the place apparently sound asleep. He would make no statement to the officers, not speaking a word to them on the ride to this city. A telephone message from Whitesboro near noon today stated that Mrs. Cantrell was still alive, but very weak from the loss of blood and that her chance for recovery is very slight. It was stated that Cantrell has been in poor health for some time and has been visiting at the Harris home the past several weeks, the two families being distantly related. About the hour named members of the family heard Mrs. Cantrell scream and rushed into the room. She had jumped out of bed and her throat was gaping and the blood flowing profusely. A physician from Whitesboro was called and responded to the emergency call in a short time, stopping the flow of blood and giving her relief. Cantrell went back into the room where he had been sleeping and again retired. It is thought that he is insane. When Cantrell was asked about the cutting, he said: "I do not remember a thing about it. I did not know that I had hurt my wife. I did not see her after she was hurt. They (meaning the officers) took me away before I could see her." ![]() August 3, 1917 pg 1 Takes Cantrell to Austin Deputy Sheriff Ran Roberts left this afternoon for Austin having in custody Ed Cantrell, whom he will place in the asylum for the insane at that place. Cantrell is the man who was adjudged insane in the county court here following the slashing of his wife's throat while visiting at a neighbor's home near Whitesboro about one year ago. He has been confined in the county jail since, and at one time made an attempt on his own life, severely cutting his wrists. - Sherman Democrat Susan Hawkins ©2025 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |