Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Daily Register
Tuesday, July 26, 1887
pg 1


Lose Their Mental Equilibrium - Strange Fancies

Judge Gregg came over from Sherman this morning to examine into the case of Mrs. Buckner, who is undoubtedly insane. Mrs. Buckner resides with her son-in-law, Mr. Ayers, in the city. The examination was conducted in the office of Judge Fears last evening and the result was that the lady will be put under surveillance - Denison News.

The facts in this case were reported to the Register this morning by Judge E. P. Gregg, and are in substance that Mr. and Mrs. Buckner are both very old people, past 60 years of age. They have raised a large family of children, all of whom have married and are doing well with the exception of a son who died and was buried in the Indian Territory some time since. This son, it seems, was a confirmed invalid for some time before his death, and his parents took him to some springs in Arkansas, but it did not seem to aid him in the least. While on their way home to Denison the boy died. The old folks came back heart broken and bound down with age. The old lady devoted her time to the Bible, and, it is said, was never seen without that book in her hands. She was soon suffering under the hallucination that she was doomed to perdition, and has repeatedly tried to kill herself. To her husband and children she is loving and kind, and has never spoken a harsh or unkind word to them, notwithstanding her apparent desire to kill herself. She told Judge Gregg that she knew she was lost eternally, and that she only wished to die that she might be relieved of the suspense of waiting for the dreadful end. She expresses only one regret at dying, and that is leaving her husband, with whom she has been living for over forty years. While giving in testimony, which he knew must CONSIGN HIS WIFE TO A MAD HOUSE
the old man broke down several times, and the court had given him time to dry his tears. The unfortunate old lady will be kept under strict surveillance at home until the authorities here learn from the management at Terrell whether or not there is room for another patient. A judgment was rendered from the county judge's office this morning declaring her insane.

Susan Hawkins

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