![]() Sherman Daily Register
Saturday, April 16, 1887 pg. 1 COURT ITEMS The attention of His Honor Judge Gregg was occupied this morning in the examination of another. . . INSANITY CASE for which the court at Sherman . . . become noted within the last few days. The last violation was Dr. E. A. Arnold of Whitemound. The evidence, as adduced before the jury of inquiry, was to the effect that it was an excessive use of intoxicants that primarily caused the overthrow of his reason and that a complete mental prostration had also rendered him almost physically helpless as well, except in moments of excitement when he is very boisterous indeed. The unfortunate man is one of the best families in Grayson county, and has himself always been most highly esteemed as a gentleman, neighbor and physician. He was turned over to his kinspeople, who will take care of him until he can be sent to Terrell. Sherman Daily Register Wednesday, April 20, 1887 pg. 4 TO TERRELL County Judge Gregg received a telegram from Terrell today, stating that room had been provided for Dr. E. A. Arnold, recently found to be insane at the court of inquiry here. With this assurance that he will be received, an officer will leave with him for Terrell sometime tonight. The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, July 26, 1891 pg. 1 Dr. Arnold, who resides near White Mound, this county, was sent to the insane Asylum at Austin several years ago, but as he grew better quite rapidly he was soon returned home, the authorities deeming his malady practically cured. Sunday his affliction returned and Mrs. Arnold, the doctor's wife, may, indeed, feel grateful that she and her two children are yet living. Charles Young, a young man who was called to assist in controlling the doctor, related the following, "Sunday afternoon his affliction returned and he was transformed from a quiet, peaceful man to a fiend. Jerking up a pistol he endeavored to shoot his wife, who fortunately knocked the weapon from his grasp. Next he endeavored to use a gun but was prevented from doing so by Mrs. Arnold who seized the end of the barrel and held it for fully an hour screaming for help all the time but there was no one in reach of her voice except the two little children left at home, the balance of the family, together with a young man who works on the farm, being at the camp meeting. Finding at last that he could not use the shot gun, the mad man grabbed up one of the children, and but for the strength fear put into the mother's arms no doubt the little one would have been dashed to death. Relinquishing the child, Dr. Arnold procured a formidable looking surgeon's knife, and tried to use that on the family, but Mrs. Arnold, again braving death herself for the sake of her children, grappled with the furious man and succeeded in driving him away from the children. Foiled in his wild attempts, the now perfectly frenzied man cut his own body, making several ugly slashes just above his throat. Mrs. Arnold, taking her husband at a disadvantage, caught and held him until help arrived, and he was placed under sufficient guard." Susan Hawkins ©2025 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |