Grayson County TXGenWeb

Dallas Morning News
July 29, 1891


Sherman, Tex., July 28 - A rather startling report was brought to the city late this afternoon by Butler Williams, colored.  He states that Jim Hampton, colored, after eating dinner at his (Williams') place, four miles southwest of the city, went out to take a nap in a wagon bed near the stable.  At 4 o'clock
he was found in an insensible condition with his head horribly slashed with an ax.  There is no clew to the perpetrators of
the murderous assault.  Physicians have gone out to examine the wound and have not returned at this hour.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
Fort Worth Texas
August 1, 1891 Saturday
pg 8

Jailed for an Assault With an Ax.

special to the Gazette
Sherman, Tex., July 31, - Butler Williams, colored, was jailed here for an assault on Jim Hampton, colored, with an ax a few days ago on William's place near this city. Williams was the first party to bring the news to town, stating that Hampton was
in a wagon bed sleeping, and the act was done by someone at a time when all were out of hearing. It has developed that Williams threatened Hampton for some trouble in his family.  It will be pretty  hard to prove, there being no eye-witnesses,
as to who committed the deed. The wounded man has little chance of recovery, being cut to the brain.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
Fort Worth Texas
August 14, 1891 Friday
pg 6

Butler Williams, colored, was discharged from the justice court to-day upon the charge of cutting Jim Hamilton with an axe while he lay sleeping in a wagon, there being no evidence to warrent the officer in binding him over.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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