Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Daily Democrat
Monday, August 14, 1916
pg 4

On Grand Jury Indictments

State vs. Bennie Waters, a negro woman charged with killing her husband, Garrett Waters, in Denison, June 14, 1916.
Her bond was set at $2,500, which she gave and was released from custody.

Sherman Daily Democrat
Monday, August 21, 1916
pg 4

Fifty-Ninth District Court
In the Fifty-ninth district court, Judge M. H. Garnett presiding the case of the State vs. Bennie Waters was called for
trial today.
The defendant is a young negro woman and is under indictment charged with killing her husband, Garrett Waters, in
on the night of June 16, 1916, by stabbing him with a knife.
County Attorney Ben F. Gafford and his assistant, H. H. Cummins, are representing the state and Farley and Charles
Reasonover of Denison are representing the defendant.

Sherman Daily Democrat
Wednesday, August 23, 1916
pg 4

Among the Courts

Last night at 8:30 o'clock the jury came in and rendered a verdict of not guilty in the case of the State vs. Bennie Waters,
the young negro woman tried in the Fifty-ninth district court in Sherman on a charge of murder
in connection with the
killing of her husband, Garrett Waters, in Denison one night last June.

The case went to trial Monday morning, the defendant being represented by Farley and Charles Reasonover of Denison, composing the law firm of Reasonover & Reasonover of that city, and these young men had pitted against them County Attorney Ben. F. Gafford and Assistant County Attorney H. H. Cummins, admittedly two of the hardest prosecutors in the state. They have received many congratulations today on account of the successful manner in which they conducted the case.
The jury was out about ten hours.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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