Grayson County TXGenWeb

Dallas Morning News
February 22, 1926

Negro Called to the Door and Shot to Death
Special to the News, Tioga, Grayson Co., Texas , Feb 21 - Morris Harris, negro, residing two miles south of here, was called
to his door Friday night and shot to death by an unidentified party. No arrests have been made.

Dallas Morning News
June 25, 1926
pg 15
Dallas Morning News - 25 Jun 1926 page 15 - Special to the News. Sherman, Texas.
Cecil Thompson, 25 years old, of Van Zandt County, went to trial Thursday in the Fifty-ninth District Court on a charge of murder in connection with the death of a negro, Morris Harris at the negro's home, south of Tioga, Feb. 16,1926. Prospective jurors are being examined.

The Whitewright Sun
July 1, 1926 Thursday
pg 7


Sherman, June 27, - The jury in the case of Cecil Thompson of Van Zandt  County, tried here on charge of killing Morris Harris, Tioga negro farmer, Feb. 19, 1926, returned a verdict of not guilty.
Harris was called to his door and shot to death. Thompson was visiting a brother-in-law near where the negro lived at the time of the killing. He proved an alibi.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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