Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Cooper Weekly
(Cooper, Texas)
Friday, April 10, 1903
pg. 2

News has just been received here that Ben Thompson, formerly cashier of Commerce National Bank, was shot 6 times by Elliot [sic] Stone on Wednesday night.  The shooting occurred at Sherman and is supposed to have resulted from previous trouble between Thompson and the Stone family.  Mr. Thompson lived about an hour after the shooting.  He died at 8:30.

The Santa Anna News
(Santa Anna, Texas)
Friday, April 10, 1903

Ben H. Thompson of Commerce, Hunt County, was shot to death at Sherman.

The Democrat
(McKinney, Texas)
Thursday, Aptil 16, 1903
pg. 7

Ben Thompson, a former assistant bank cashier at Commerce, Texas, was shot down on the sidewalk at Sherman
Wednesday by W.E. Stone and died within an hour.  Chas. Oldham and Thos. Grigsby were arrested as accomplices.

Shiner Gazette
(Shiner, Texas)
Wednesday, April 22, 1903

Sherman, Texas: The Grayson county grand jury this evening returned an indictment against W. Ellis [sic] Stone, charging him with the murder of Ben Thompson.  Owing to the prominence of both defendant and deceased the case is attracting attention from all over the state.

The Southern Mercury
(Dallas, Texas)
Thursday, August 6, 1903
pg. 3

Verdict was Reached in Murder Case at Sherman

Sherman, Texas, August 1 - The jury in the case of W.E. Stone, charged with the murder of Ben Thompson on the 8th of last April, rendered a verdict at 9:15 tonight of not guilty.  The case has been on trial for 3 weeks and the jury was out 4 days.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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