![]() In late April 1878 Dr. J.B. Jones was among those who purchased the first lots in the new town of Whitewright, Grayson County, Texas; he had contracting with C.H. Suhdam to build his future drug store at Whitewright. The lots were all located on Grand Avenue, which was the central roadway through downtown Whitewright.
than three weeks before Dr. Jones' murder, he
was in the city of
Sherman and attended to a man who was injured in
a train accident.
afternoon three half-breeds on horseback rode
to the depot at Caddo. One of them named
Will Stewart, carried his shotgun on
full-cock, and shouted at Dr. Jones who
stood on the platform, “I am on it, you Denison Daily
Herald Denison Daily News Denison Daily
Herald Denison Daily News Latest from Caddo Constable
Spence returned Wednesday morning from Caddo,
where he had been for the
purpose of taking a look at Hobbs, a fellow from
Texas. Hobbs was with
the Stewart party and was captured by the
citizens of Caddo. He is held
on the charge of horse stealing. Spence says
that the report of the two
Stewarts having crossed Red River into Texas is
not credited in Caddo.
That Henry Stewart is badly wounded seems to be
certain, as only with
the assistance of his brother, Wiley did he
manage to get away. It is
supposed that he was shot in the leg. Parties
are still engaged in
scouring the country for the villians, and
strong hopes of their
ultimate capture are entertained. Denison Daily
Herald A Gathering of
Desperadoes on the Canadian We
understand, from what we consider a reliable
source, that there is a
gathering of Texas desperadoes on the Canadian,
about seventy-five
miles west from here,
for the purpose of robbing the U.S. Paymaster
when he passes by to pay
troops at Fort Sill. That
a part of
their plans was to murder a few leading men in
Caddo, and rob their
stores. Their plans
were precipitated by
Wiley and Henri Stewart getting drunk and
killing Dr. Jones. There
has been a steady influx of loose men,
for the past month, who have made Wiley
Stewart’s house their stopping place
while in Caddo, and there is a station on Blue,
some fifteen miles west. This
is evidently the programme as laid down.” Denison Daily News Denison
Daily News
Tuesday November 26, 1878 pg. 4 FROM THE NATION Bloody Sequel to the Murder of Dr. Jones Fight Between Wiley Stewart, Texas Dick and Two Deputy Marshals Both of the Deputies Shot and Killed The murder of Dr. Jones, of Caddo, by Wiley Stewart, Henry Stewart, and Texas Dick, and the escape of the desperadoes is of too recent occurrence to require recapitulation. Henry Stewart was afterwards captured near Carthage, Mo., and is now in jail awaiting trial. The other two ruffians succeeded in getting away from their pursuers and nothing had since been heard of them until last night, when reports reached Caddo, that they had been traced by Deputy Marshals, Ayers brothers, to a place some fifty miles southeast of Caddo, where they were found working on a farm. The Marshals and posse surrounded the two cut throats, but as soon as the latter found they were discovered they took to the brush and a running fight ensued. The report says that both Deputies were shot and killed, and several others belonging to the pursuing party were wounded. The Ayers brothers hail from Fort Smith, and passed Caddo going south a few days ago. Grayson County
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