Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Tragedy

The Daily Hesperian
Sunday, July 26, 1896
pg. 3
Long Short Stops
Tom Wood, the well-known Sherman architect, was killed by his brother-in-law yesterday.  It was strictly a family affair.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, August 2, 1896
pg. 3

Tuesday, July 28, 1896 - Jim Sharp [sic], who killed Architect Wood last Saturday, is still at large.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, August 2, 1896
pg. 3

Tuesday, July 31, 1896 - It was reported this afternoon that Sharp, who shot and killed Architect Wood in Sherman, had come in and surrendered.

The Daily Hesperian
Tuesday, August 4, 1896
pg. 3
Long Short Stops
Jim Sharp, t he slayer of Tom Wood, gave himself up Sunday night at Dallas and is now in jail at Sherman.   His bond was fixed at $5,000.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, August 19, 1896
pg. 1

Sharp [sic], who shot and killed Architect Woods in Sherman, has surrendered to Sheriff Hughes.  He states that when the facts are all known he is confident of acquittal.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, November 15, 1896
pg. 3

Monday, November 9, 1896 - A dispatch from Sherman says: "The jury in the case of James Sharpe, charged with the killing of James  Wood, in this city in July last, returned their verdict yesterday morning, the court having ruled that it would be admissible to receive a verdict on Sunday.  The verdict was one of acquittal.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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