![]() Record Chronicle
1924 TWO PILOT POINT MEN HELD AFTER SHOOTING AT TIOGA SATURDAY Sherman, Dec. 29 - L.G. Sitzes, automobile dealer of Pilot Point, and H.E. Emberson, employed by Sitzes as a mechanic, were brought to Sherman and charges of murder filed against them, after A.G. Cheatham, farmer of near Tioga, was shot and killed on a crowded street of Tioga Saturday afternoon in a duel between himself and Sitzes. Sitzes surrendered to Constable Ben Mitchell of Collinsville after the shooting. Cheatham was shot once through the chest and died instantly according to officers. Neither Sitzes nor Emberson would make a statement regarding the shooting. Emberson, it is alleged, made an assault on Cheatham just before the shooting, striking him on the head with a piece of stove wood. The shooting occurred on a crowded street and was witnessed by many. ![]() The Whitewright Sun Whitewright, Texas Thursday, January 1, 1925 pg 1 Fatal Shooting On Streets of Tioga Sherman, Dec. 29 - C. G. Cheatham, aged 30, was shot and killed Saturday afternoon about 1:30 o'clock at Tioga in a three-cornered gun fight staged on Main street. The shot which killed Cheatham was said to have been fired from a pistol in the hands of Garland Sitzes. Cheatham arrived in town just a few minutes before the shooting and was walking up the street when Jack Emberson, a member of a Pilot Point party visiting Tioga, is said to have struck Cheatham with a small stick of stove wood. Cheatham staggered forward a few steps and turned. As he wheeled he drew a gun. Emberson is reported to have stepped behind a car. Sitzes, who was standing beside a nearby post, leveled his gun at Cheatham, it is stated, and told him not to shoot Emberson. Cheatham fired at Emberson, it is reported. Sitzes then fired at Cheatham, who turned and shot at Sitzes. Sitzes fired four times, one bullet taking effect. It entered Cheatham's body in the right breast, ranging through his body and made its exit under the left shoulder blade. Sitzes and Emberson gave themselves up to the mayor and awaited the arrival of the sheriff from Sherman, who brought them to this city and placed them in the county jail. Emberson, Thad Adkins, C. W. Loflin and Joe Moody had driven from Pilot Point to Tioga earlier in the afternoon. Evidence taken from witnesses at a court of inquiry held in Tioga Sunday by the county attorney and sheriff brought out the facts as above set out. C. E. Willett, who was standing inside the door of the cafe, made the following statement: "Jack Emberson hit Cheatham with a stick of wood. Cheatham jerked out his gun and shot at Jack. Sitzes said, "For God's sake, don't shoot him." Then Sitzes shot Cheatham." . . . brought out in the inquiry that Jack Emberson had a fight with Cheatham at the Cheatham place Saturday morning. At that time, it was said Jack jumped out of his car and told Cheatham he had run off his negroes, and that he was going to whip him. The trouble between Emberson, Sitzes and Cheatham was said to have been from the fact that Cheatham reported a still located on the place owned by Sitzes and rented by Emberson. The officers raided the still Christmas day, but had made no arrests at the time of the shooting. Emberson and Sitzes are being held in the county jail pending preliminary trial to set bond. ![]() Dallas Morning News January 3, 1925 pg.20 Special to the News Two Held in Cheatham Tragedy Out on Bond. Sherman, Texas, Jan. 2 - L. G. Sietzes and Jack Emberson of Pilot Point, the former an automobile dealer, secured their liberty on bonds Friday afternoon after having been held in jail here since last Saturday, following charges growing out of the fatal shooting of A. G. Cheatham, farmer, in Tioga. Sietzes, charged with murder and conspiracy to commit a murder, was allowed $11,000 bond, while Emberson, charged with the same offenses and in addition assault to murder, was required to make an additional $1,000. ![]() Dallas Morning News January 17, 1925 pg.12 Two Charged with Slaying Tioga Man Allowed Bail Special to the News (Sherman, Texas) - Jan 16: L. G. Sitzes (sic) and Jack Emberson, held on grand jury indictments, charging murder, growing out of the shooting of A. G. Cheatham, Tioga farmer, were allowed bail in the sum of $10,000 following habeas corpus hearings held before Judge F. E. Wilcox Friday morning. The men had previously been at liberty under bonds set at an examining trial. ![]() Dallas Morning News January 13, 1926 pg.11 L. G. Seitz on Trial in Death of Cheatham Special to the News (Sherman, Texas) ~ Jan 12: L. G. Seitz, charged with murder in connection with the death of A. G. Cheatham, 35, farmer of near Tioga, at Tioga, Grayson County on December 27, 1924. Pilot Point garage owner, and U. E. Emberson, Pilot Point, also charged with murder, were called to bar in the Fifteenth District Court Monday morning for trial. ![]() Whitewright Sun Whitewright, Texas Thursday, January 14, 1926 L. G. Seitz of Pilot Point is on trial in the Fifteenth District Court at Sherman on a charge of murder in connection with the death of A. C. G. Cheatham from a pistol wound in Tioga December 27, 1924. W. L Stowers, B. B. Hall and J. M. Biggerstaff of this place are members of the jury selected to try the case. ![]() Whitewright Sun Whitewright, Texas Thursday, January 21, 1926 pg 3 SELF DEFENSE PLEA RESULTS IN ACQUITTAL L. G. Seitzes of Pilot Point charged with killing A. C. G. Cheatham at Tioga, December. 27, 1924, was acquitted by a jury at Sherman Saturday. The jury was out less than an hour. Seitzes pleaded self-defense. Evidence offered at the trial showed that Cheatham had been struck by Jack Emberson, who is under indictment for murder, and that he whirled around following the blow and fired two shots. The issue argued was whether Seitzes had his gun drawn when Cheatham fired his first shot. Testimony of eye witnesses conflicted on the point. More than 100 witnesses were sworn in Monday morning when the trial opened, but less than 50 testified during the trial. Grayson County
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