Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Denison Daily Herald
Monday July 16, 1906
pg 3

One Seriously Shot and the Other badly Beaten About The Head.
Occurred Yesterday Afternoon near Whitemound Between Henry Mauldin and Tom Sartin

Sherman, Tex., July 16, - As the result of a quarrel yesterday afternoon near Whitemound, twelve miles south-east of Sherman, Henry Mauldin, aged 32 years, and Tom Sartin, aged about 60 years, are both in precarious condition and physicians say it is doubtful if either will recover. Mauldin has a bullet hole made by a 45-calibre pistol through the right side of his abdomen and Sartin is paralyzed on the right side of his body as the result of contused wounds about the head. Sartin is at his home in Whitemound and Mauldin will be cared for at St. Vincent's sanitarium. Friends started with him this morning but had not arrived in Sherman at noon today. He will be operated upon at the sanitarium. The abdomen, which is filled with blood, will be opened and every effort will be made to save his life. Physicians, say, however, that the wounded man is in desperate straits.
The trouble occurred yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock.  There has been some ill feeling the men for some time but the trouble yesterday was over a very trivial matter, something in connection with with a grubbing hoe.  Sartin shot twice at Mauldin.  The first bullet struck one of Mauldin's horses, which he was holding at the time the difficulty occurred.  The second bullet lodged in Mauldin's abdomen.  At the time he was struck he was coming toward Sartin and after he had been shot he wrest the pistol from Sartin's hand and hit Sartin a number of times over the head with the butt of the pistol.  Spectators ran to the scene and Mauldin fell as they approached.  Mauldin is a large man and showed remarkable vitality in doing what he did after the bullet was lodged in his body, the result of his opponent's attack. Sartin is in a very serious condition. A physician from Sherman examined both men. Sartin had convulsions during the greater part of last night and though these ceased this morning he is still unconscious. The Sherman physician stated that the extent of his injuries could not yet be obtained as the extended examination did not reveal whether or not Sartin's skull was fractured. As for Mauldin's condition it cannot be said whether or not he will survive the operation that he must undergo to have a chance of recovery.
Maudlin is a farmer and has a wife who is at present away from home on a visit. Sartin has farmed a good portion
of his life, but in late years has been building bridges for the county. He has a wife and a number of children.

The Denison Daily Herald
Tuesday July 17, 1906
pg 3

Sartin and Mauldin are Both in a Serious Condition

Sherman, Tex., July 17. - Reports from Tom Sartin and Henry Mauldin, who were probably fatally injured in a combat Sunday afternoon at Whitemound, are to the effect that both are still in precarious conditions and that their chances for recovery are very small.
A messenger from Whitemound arrived in Sherman this morning and reported that Mr. Sartin is barely alive. He had convulsions last night and this morning is still unconscious and in a condition that apparently forebodes death.
Mauldin was operated upon at the sanitarium yesterday afternoon and his condition today is not improved. The only thing that may be said in his favor of recovery is that he is alive. Upon opening the abdominal cavity where the bullet entered the operating physicians found that the bullet had severed the liver and it was necessary to remove a portion of this organ. The physician in attendance stated at noon today that the chances were all against Mauldin's recovery.

The Denison Daily Herald
Wednesday, July 18 1906
pg 3

Mauldin and Sartin Are Still in a Precarious Condition

Sherman, Tex., July 18. - The condition of Henry Mauldin and Tom Sartin, the two men who were so seriously injured in an altercation at Whitemound Sunday afternoon, is not improved today. A telephone message from Sartin's home at noon stated that no change could be seen in his condition and that he is still unconscious.
The physician in attendance upon Mauldin, who is at the sanitarium said at noon today that there appeared to be
no more chance for Mauldin's recovery than there was yesterday. His condition that physician said, could not be worse.

The Denison Daily Herald
Thursday, July 19 1906
pg 3

Sherman, Tex., July 19. - Henry Mauldin died yesterday afternoon at _ o'clock at St. Vincent's Sanitarium as the result of a pistol wound received Sunday afternoon at Whitemound in an affray with Tom Sartin. The body was removed to a local undertaking establishment and prepared for burial. This morning the remains were shipped over the Cotton Belt to Tom Bean and taken from there to Whitemound for burial. Mauldin was thirty-two years
old and leaves, besides his wife, a father and a brother, who reside in Grayson County. His father and brother
were in Sherman this morning and accompanied the remains to Whitemound.
Tom Sartin, who since Sunday, has been lying in his home in Whitemound almost at the point of death as a result of injuries received in the encounter with Mauldin, was brought to Sherman this afternoon on the local Santa Fe train in charge of the deputy constable from Tom Bean. Sartin was taken to St. Vincent's, where he will be treated. His condition is said to be unimproved.

The Denison Daily Herald
Saturday, July 21 1906
pg 7

The condition of Tom Sartin, who is at St. Vincent's Sanitarium, is a little improved today, according to the statement of Doctor Jones, county physician, who is attending Sartin. His mind seems to be a little clearer and
he appears a little brighter, though of course he is still in danger. However, Dr. Jones says that the chances for
his recovery are increasing.

The Denison Daily Herald
Monday, July 23, 1906
pg 3

Tom Sartin, who was severely injured in a affray with Henry Mauldin last week at Whitemound, from which Mauldin subsequently died, was removed yesterday from the sanitarium where he has been several days for treatment to the county jail, where he is now confined to answer the charge of shooting Mauldin. Sartin's condition is improved and his recovery is now assured.

The Denison Daily Herald
Friday, July 27 1906
pg 3

Mind is Still Clouded as a Result of Injuries Received

Sherman, Tex., July 27. - While the condition of Tom Sartin, who is confined in the hospital ward of the county jail on a charge of shooting Henry Mauldin in a difficulty at Whitemound two weeks ago, is not precarious, still his physical and mental condition is far from good. One hand is still in a plaster cast as the result of a dislocation of
one of his fingers. He head, however, shows but few of the results of the terrible beating administered by Mauldin with the butt of a revolver. Nevertheless it is apparent that Sartin's mind is still clouded as the result of his injuries, which physicians say are probably concussions of the brain.
Sartin was seen this morning at the jail by a Herald reporter. He is a man of slender frame, medium stature and is now considerably emaciated as the result of the fact that he rejects nearly all food offered him. Though he is able to sit up, he spends his time lying on a pallet. He ate no breakfast today and inquiry of Jailer Ramsey this morning as to whether the prisoner desired a glass of milk brought forth a negative reply. He looks out of large blue eyes, but ones that do not have the full gleam of recognition of realization. To several questions he made only mumbling replies that could not be understood.
If he continues to refuse food his present condition cannot be bettered, though if his appetite returns he may fully recover. He has had no counsel employed for him and no preparations have been made for a preliminary hearing.

The Denison Daily Herald
Wednesday, October 31, 1906
pg 3


The condition of Tom Sartin who has been in the county jail for several months on the charge of killing Henry Mauldin and who was taken suddenly ill yesterday, is no better to-day. It will be recalled that Sartin was injured
by Mauldin in the altercation when Mauldin was shot. Sartin, it appears, has never recovered from the injuries. Since he was stricken yesterday he has been unable to speak. This would indicate that his affliction is paralysis.

The Denison Daily Herald
Friday March 1, 1907
pg 3

Jury Assesses Punishment at Four Years in Penitentiary

Sherman, Tex., Mar. 1, - In the case of the State vs. Tom Sartin, charged with the killing of Henry Mauldin, at Whitemound, in this county, tried in the Fifteenth District court, the jury returned a verdict this morning finding
the defendant guilty of manslaughter and assessing his punishment at four years in the penitentiary. Sartin's attorneys gave notice of appeal.

The Houston Post
Houston, Texas
Thursday, June 6, 1907

Court of Criminal Appeals
(Houston Post Special)

Austin, Texas, June 5. - In the court of criminal appeals:
Affirmed: Tom Sartin from Grayson

Convict Record, Texas State Penitentiary
at Huntsville, Walker County, Texas

Registered No.
Tom Sartin
5' 11"
Weight 138
Marks on Person
Scar over L ear; Scar arch of head;
Fingers on R hand stiff; Large scar
L leg above knee; #7 shoe
Marital Relations
Use of Tobacco
Able to Read
Able to Write
No of Years at School
Date of Birth
Birthplace of Father
Birthplace of Mother
Time of Conviction
June 5, 1907
Term of Imprisonment
4 years
Not Guilty
When Received
July 17, 1907
Expiration of Sentence
June 5, 1911
Pardoned November 14, 1909

Texas, Court of Criminal Appeal Indexes, 1892-1947
General Index (Austin) 1892-1909

Opinion By
P. J. Davidson
Tom Sartin
The State
How Disposed Of
Opinion By
J. Burris

Texas, Convict and Conduct Registers, 1875-1945
Conduct Register - Huntsville - B 027576-029525
State Penitentiary, Huntsville, Texas
Reg. No.
Tom Sartin
4 Years Grayson
Rusk July 17, 1907
Pardoned by
Gov. T. M. Campbell
Nov. 14, 1909
Proc# 9985
Dated Nov. 5, 1909

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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