
Names:Horace Reynolds, Cleo wolfe, Jim Arnold, C E Briggs, Leslie Cole, Jim May, Alvin Morgan, Bill Sofey, Roy Allen and Leonard O'Neal. Other names below on this page.

There were hundreds of newspaper article over the year 1930-1931. I have just included a few.

More about the Riot and courthouse burning


same edition;

Cases of Mob Suspects Transfer to Austin

lubbock Morning Avalanche
Tue May 3, 1931

Ten Grayson Citizens are Released in Riot Charges

Jeff Jones, Webb Purdom and Jess Roper still had cases in the courts separately.

Henderson Daily News
Mon jun 1, 1931

Men Charged with burning the Sherman Courthouse and negro called to trial.

Names in this article;
Alvin Morgan,
C E Bridges,
Jeff "Slim" Jones,
Jim May, Bill Sofey,
Horace Reynolds,
Jimmie Arnold,
Leslie Cole,
J B McCasland.
Roy Allen,
Web Purdom,
Leonard O'Neal,
Jess Roper.

Jeff "Slim" Jones

Corpus Christi Caller- Times
Sun May 31, 1931
Grayson County Man Goes on Trial Monday

Austin Tex.,May 30-UP
Jeff Jones, tall, gangling Grayson County farmer, Monday will go to trial in district court here, the first man to be summoned to justice in the Sherman riots of May 9, 1930.
Jones faces a charge of arson for his alleged participation in the burning of the Grayson County court house, where George  Hughes, negro, on trial for criminal assault upon a white woman, died of suffocation in a steel vault where officers had secreted him to protect him from the mob.
No charge of murder is included in the complaints against 14 defendants whose cases have been sent here from Dallas, where they are first transferred on a change of venue.
One charge alleges rioting with intent to commit murder and another merely rioting.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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