Morning Eagle
Bryan, Texas
October 26, 1898
He Was Approached From Behind and
Seriously Wounded by Some Unknown Person
Tex., Oct. 25 - Justice of the Peace Dave
Harris of Pottsboro was shot
3 times last night, twice in the shoulder
and once in the stomach, all
3 are serious wounds, and is now lying in
a critical condition.
The facts as obtained are as follows:
had started from his office to his
residence, accompanied by his little
boy, when about a block west of the
railroad station he discovered that
a man was approaching him from behind in a
manner to create
apprehension. Harris turned upon him
to inquire what he wanted,
when the fellow applied a scurillous
epithet, Harris struck at him with
a small cane and the man fired 4 shots, 3
of which took effect as
stated. Harris sank down and the man
escaped in the darkness.
cannot give the slightest clew to the
identity of his assailant and can
not think of any one who would seek to
thus waylay him. Sheriff
Hughes and Deputy Davis have gone to
Morning News
October 27, 1898
The Slayer of Justice Harris at Pottsboro
Has Not Yet Been Identified
People Are aroused and Every Clew Is Being
Vigorously Run Down. Finding of the
Tex., Oct. 25 - This morning Sheriff
Hughes was notified of the
statement of a lady, the wife of a farmer
who lives near Pottsboro.
She came to town the afternoon of
the day (Monday) on the evening
of which the shooting of Justice Harris
took place. Having heard
of description given by Mr. Harris of his
assailant and the fact that
certain articles of wearing apparel had
been found, she hurried this
morning to inform he local officers that
Monday afternoon she saw a
young man answering the description.
He had a bundle of something
on his back.
About dusk, when she was returning home,
this was about
2 hours before the shooting, she saw him
near the same place - the
eastern edge of the village. This is
considered important as it
more closely connects the ownership of the
clothes found in the culvert
and the coat found on the barbed wire
fence hard by and in the route of
the tracks leading from the scene of the
assault, with the identity of
an unknown suspected of the crime.
The lady judged the man she
saw to be any where from 18 to 22 years of
Sheriff Hughes stated as to the status of
the investigation:
is a difficult case to give any
satisfactory statement about. I
know the people are aroused and very
anxious that the guilty man be
brought to trial. I ask for myself
and the department and the
local officers of the precinct in which it
occurred a calm co-operation
of the people and a patient forbearance of
what may seem slow progress.
I want to assure them that no effort
will be spared to clear up
the distressing mystery."
The deceased was about 54 years of age.
He leaves a wife and family, one son
being about grown. He
was engaged in business with his brother
and kept his official office
in the business house. He came to
Grayson county 20 years ago
from Missouri. He was a life-long
democrat and a an
ex-Confederate soldier. At the late
county primaries he was
nominated for re-election to the office of
he had so acceptably filled.
The whole community about Pottsboro
is shadowed with grief on
account of his tragic and untimely death.
His burial to-day was
the occasion for the closing of every
business house in his home
village. Civic societies
participated. The whole community
stood by the grave with tear-dimmed eyes
and saw him laid away.
The work of the officers has been careful,
but exceedingly rapid to-day.
2 p.m. R.B. Van Anthwerp of Pottsboro
appeared before the county
attorney and lodged information against a
man whose name he did not
know, but whose description he gives,
charging him with the murder of
David M. Harris.
The complaint contains a description as
given by
Mr. Van Anthwerp as an contained in the
sheriff column notice sent out
by Sheriff Hughes, and which appears in
this issue of The News under it
Assistant County Attorney Adamson, who has
been attending justice court proceedings
at Pottsboro and Gordonville
courts, is of the impression that the
cause for the assault upon
Justice Harris was a desire to hold him up
and commit robbery, stating
that attempts to rob and one and one
successful piece of highway
robbery have taken place between Pottsboro
and Gordonville is inclined
to the belief that Harris' assailant may
be one of the gang.
Beard, a citizen of Pottsboro, said to-day
that he shared the opinion
of Mr. Adamson, but added that he rather
thought the man who made the
assault and committed the murder had
mistaken Mr. Harris for one of the
3 or 4 merchants who live in the eastern
part of Pottsboro and who are
often in the habit of taking considerable
sums of money and keeping it
at their residences over night.
The Daily
Chieftain (Vinita, Indian
Saturday, February 11, 1899
pg. 3
Dave Petty Turns Up In Texas
Petty is under arrest at Sherman, Texas,
charged with killing a Justice
of the Peace named D.M. Harris at
Pottsboro on the 24th of October last.
will be remembered as the man who led Dick
Adams into the trap when
E.B. Frayser's cattle were stolen, and
when the officers waylaid the
thieves at the end of Tom Buffington's
lane, and where young Elihu Lynn
was killed, 2 or 3 years ago. Petty
was the chief witness against
Dick Adams in the cow stealing cases
against him in this court.
Petty killed a negro at Chelsea and
escaped from the marshals and
left the country and has not been heard of
since till the Texas
killing. On preliminary hearing
Thursday of this week Petty was
committed to jail without bail, to await
the action of the grand jury.
Denison Herald of yesterday
contains the following:
a dozen of the employees of the Katy at
the west Denison yards have
been summoned as witnesses in the case
charging Petty with the murder
of D.M. Harris. They have all
identified Petty as the man they
saw in the yards on the night of October
the 24th after the murder was
committed and their evidence will have
great weight in the trial.
No case has ever been tried in
Grayson county that has attracted
as much attention as this is destined to
attract when it is put on its
final trial. The evidence has been
worked up with skill by the
officers, and will present some
sensational features. This added
to the prominence of his death will all
add to the interest in the case
at its final trial. The witnesses
wanted by the officers have all
been secured and the state will be ready
for trial when the case is
The Sunday
February 12, 1899
pg. 3
Tuesday, February 7 - The Sherman
gives the particulars of the arrest of
Dave Petty for the alleged
murder of Judge Harris at Pottsboro
several months ago. Petty was
arrested at McKinney by the sheriff and is
now in jail at Sherman.
It seems that Petty had threatened
the life of the judge who
intended to have him arrested for
adultery. Petty lived for a
number of years on Commissioner Ed Barnes
farm about 8 miles north of
Pottsboro. He had a wife and 4
children. A widow woman
moved into the neighborhood and Petty
became acquainted with her
daughter, who was about 18 years old.
The young woman finally
went to the home of Petty to live.
Judge Harris and other
officers of the Pottsboro precinct
threatened to file complaint against
him charging adultery. The case was
finally investigated by the
grand jury, but in the meantime Petty and
the young woman left.
The Weekly
Vinita, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
February 16, 1899
Dave Petty Turns Up in Texas
Petty is under arrest at Sherman, Texas,
charged with killing a Justice
of the Peace named D.M. Harris at Pottsboro
on the 24th of last October.
will be remembered as the man who led Dick
Adams into the trap when
E.B. Frayser's cattle were stolen, and when
the officers waylaid the
thieves at the end of Tom Buffington's lane,
and where young Elihu Lynn
was killed, 2 or 3 years ago. Petty
was the chief witness against
Dick Adams in the cow-stealing cases against
him in this court.
Petty killed a Negro at Chelsea and
escaped from the marshals and
left the country and has not been heard of
since till the Texas
killing. On preliminary hearing
Thursday of this week Petty was
committed to jail without bond, to await the
action of the grand jury.
Denison Herald yesterday contains
the following:
a dozen of the employees of the Katy at the
West Denison yards have been
summoned as witnesses in the case charging
Petty with the murder of
D.M. Harris. They have all identified
Petty as the man they saw
in the yards on the night of October the
24th after the murder was
committed and their evidence will have great
weight in the trial.
No case has ever been tried in Grayson
county that has attracted
as much attention as this is destined to
attract when it is put in its
final trial. The evidence has been
worked up with skill by the
officers, and will present some sensational
features. This added
to the prominence of the deceased and the
manner of his death will all
add to the interest in the case at its final
trial. The witnesses
wanted by the officers have all been secured
and the state will be
ready for trial when the case is called.
Daily Post
23, 1899
Texas, April 22 - The spring grand jury,
which has just adjourned until
the last Monday in May, returned 91
indictments, 63 for misdemeanors
and 28 for felonies, among which were
bills charging Dave Petty with
the murder of Justice of the Peace
Harris at Pottsboro in November
1898, and Bob Smith with the murder of
Arria Taylor, whose horribly
mutilated body was discovered in the
heart of the city on the morning
of January 17.
The Van Alstyne News
Friday, April 28, 1899
Grand Jury at Sherman found indictment
last week against Dave Petty,
charging him with the murder of Justice
Harris at Pottsboro.
Sherman Daily
July 2, 1900
B. Cox, attorney for Dave Petty, charged
with the killing of Justice Harris at
Pottsboro, states that his client is
ready to make bond and be set at liberty as
soon as Judge Bliss returns.
Sherman Daily
September 25, 1900
for Trial in Criminal District Court
following cases of importance have been set
for in the criminal district court:
Petty, charge with murder of D. M. Harris,
set for November 19, venire of 180 men.
The Sunday Gazetteer
November 25, 1900
pg. 4
Petty, the alleged murderer of Mr. Harris at
Pottsboro, was for the
third time place on trial in the district
court at Sherman Monday
Shiner Gazette
January 23, 1901
pg. 7
case of the state of Texas vs. Dave Petty,
charged with the murder of
Justice of the Peace C.M. Harris at Sherman,
was continued until the
district court by agreement of both sides.

1900 United States Federal
Grayson County, Texas
Precinct #1
June 25, 1900
Grayson County Jail
D. C. Petty
Color or Race
Date of Birth
Dec 1862
Age at last
Marital Status
Place of Birth
Birthplace of
Birthplace of
Can Read
Can Write
Can Speak English
Ownership of Home
County Jail
