Grayson County TXGenWeb

  Charlie Perkins

The San Antonio Light
April 30, 1922

Negro Gets Life Sentence
Sherman, Tex., April 29- Live imprisonment was given Charlie Perkins, negro upon his conviction this afternoon of the killing of Janie Jones, negro woman with an axe in Denison a year ago.

The Austin Statesman
Sun Feb 19, 1922
suspect in Denison Ax Murder Arrested.
Denison, Texas, Feb 18-With the arrest of Charlie Perkins at Paris, officers believe the Denison ax murder mystery which kept police puzzled for months has been cleared up. According to word from Paris, Perkins said to have confessed to murdering an aged negro woman, Janie Jones, in March last year. The body was found when officers broke down the door.
An ax was deeply embedded  the skull and the body was lying on a bed. It was supposed the murderer, seeking money the woman was said to have had concealed in the house, struck her while she slept. A letter written in a scrawly hand received by a neighbor of the Jones woman informing her that the dead woman would be found if they house was broken into led officers to force the door. The woman had been dead several days. It was the belief of the police that Perkins, who had been a roomer at the home, committed the crime, and a search for him was started. His arrest in Paris brought the long search to an end.

Received 99 years in 1922 for murder in Grayson County.
He was Paroled April 1936 by Gov Walter F Woodul.

His prison records add this , he was 42 , 5'7"  150 lbs,  black dark, Brown, black. His penitentiary no was 47778
Born in 1880, born in Texas and parents also. He was a cook. He was sentenced May 8, 1922, Murder, He sent from Paris, Texas.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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