The Denison Daily Herald
March 10, 1906
pg. 3
The Day At Sherman
Assaulted Wife With an Ax
Complaint filed Against Lawson Mallory for
the Crime
Mallory, a Negress, is lying at her
home on North Houston avenue
with her skull split open as the result of
being struck with an ax by
her husband, Lawson Mallory. A
complaint charging him with
assault to murder was filed this morning in
Justice Preston's court by
Assistant County Attorney H. H. Cummins.
Mallory has not been
located by the officers. The woman
will probably die.
The Denison
Daily Herald
Tuesday, April 10, 1906
pg. 1
Man Wanted for Assaulting Wife
Arrested at the Depot
Mallory, a colored man who has been wanted
for some time by the
officers to answer a charge of assault to
murder, was placed under
arrest yesterday afternoon by Police Officer
Crane at the union depot.
Mallory came into Denison with a big
gang of Negroes who were to
work on the railroad. Ordinarily he would
have escaped without
being recognized, but a railroad man
happened to know him. The
railroad man telephoned to police
headquarters and Officer Crane soon
had Mallory in custody.
is alleged that Mallory had chopped his
wife's head open, some time
ago. The woman, though seriously injured,
has improved and is now out
of danger. The charges against Mallory
were brought into Justice
Preston's court.
was arraigned before Justice Preston this
morning, and waived
preliminary examination. He was bound
over in the sum of $2,000.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, April 15, 1906
pg. 4
Mallory (col.) who resides north, was
arrested by Constable Duer Monday
while trying to escape the country on a
north bound train.
Mallory assaulted his wife with an ax,
cutting her in several
The Denison Daily Herald
Monday, June
11, 1906
pg. 3
The Day At Sherman
Sherman News Notes
the 15th District Court yesterday Lawson
Mallory, a Negro, who was
arrested several months ago in Denison by
Constable J.R. Duer on a
charge of assault to murder his wife with an
axe, was acquitted
yesterday afternoon by the jury.
Mallory had no attorney, but
took the stand and told his story.
The Denison
Daily Herald
Wednesday, July 25, 1906
pg. 4
Personal & News Notes
Sedalia Democrat of Monday reported
the following arrivals at the M.K. & T.
railway hospital:...Lawson Mallory, yard
hand, Dallas, Texas.