Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Eagle
Bryan, Texas
Monday, February 16, 1925
pg 1




(By Associated Press)
Sherman, Feb 16 - Mrs. Charles Linxwiler, aged 18, was shot and killed here early today at the home of her
mother, Mrs. E. Davidson. Charles Linxwiler, her husband, was found with a bullet wound in his head. A
revolver was found near him. He is expected to recover. The couple had been married three months and had
separated two weeks ago.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, February 19, 1925
pg 6

Young Woman Dead; Husband is Wounded

Sherman, Feb. 16 - Charles Linxwiler is seriously wounded and his wife, Mrs. Pauline Linxwiler, is dead
as a result of pistol wounds said to have been inflicted by Charles Linxwiler when he fired four shots
into the body of his wife and then placed a bullet through his own head at 11:10 o'clock Sunday night.
Mrs. Linxwiler, 15 years of age, had been married to Linxwiler but a short time and, it was said, had been
separated from him about a week.
Papers taken from the pockets of Linxwiler contained a letter announcing his intention of killing his wife
and himself, and mentioning her refusal to forgive some act of his as his reason for taking her with him.
Three bullets took effect in Mrs. Linxwiler's head, the other entering her chest. They were fired from a
25-caliber automatic pistol.
The bullet which wounded Linxwiler entered his temple near the eye and made its exit through the opposite
temple, bursting one of the eye balls and dislocating the other.
He is being treated at the St. Vincent's Sanitarium, but is in a grave condition, according to the attending
Mrs. Linxwiler was residing with her mother, Mrs. Elender Davidson, 913 E. Cherry street, when the tragedy
Deceased is survived by her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. S. D. Davidson; her brother, Ottis Davidson, and two sisters,
Mrs Olda Ashmore and Mrs. Ivy Ross, all of Sherman.
Both Linxwiler and his wife were reared in Sherman, and were well known throughout the city. He has been working as an automobile mechanic since he left school.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday March 12, 1925
pg 1


Sherman, March 10 -  Charles Linxwiler, who is alleged to have fired the pistol shots which caused the death
of his 15-year-old wife, Feb. 15, and to have destroyed his eyes by sending a bullet through his head, directly
behind them, was removed Monday afternoon from the sanitarium, where he had been since the tragedy; to the
county jail, where he is being held on a charge of murder.
Totally blind, Linxiler is being cared for by an attendant. It is said that on several occasions since his first
apparent attempt, Linxwiler had feebly tried to end his life. Instruments with which he might harm himself
are being kept from him and an attendant will be kept with him during his incarceration in the county jail.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, April 23, 1925
pg. 4

W. P. Vaughn is one of the jurors in the C. E. Linxwiler murder case being tried in the Fifty-ninth District
Court at Sherman this week. Linxwiler is charged with the murder of his fifteen-year-old wife. He is totally
blind, having sent a bullet through his head immediately behind his eyes at the time he is alleged to have fired
four bullets from a .25-caliber automatic pistol into the body of his wife. The couple had been separated about
a week prior to the shooting, it was said.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, April 30, 1925
pg. 1


Sherman, April 25 - The jury in the Charles Linxwiler case, not being able to agree, was discharged Friday night.
He was tried on a charge of murder growing out of the shooting to death of his 15-year-old wife, Pauline, in February.
He is 17 and blind, having shot himself in the head after his wife was killed, the bullet severing the optic nerves.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, April 30, 1925
pg. 2

39 Are Convicted of Felonies During One Term of Court

Sherman, April 27 - Thirty-nine convictions of felony, two hung juries and three acquittals is the record
made during the March term of the Fifty-ninth district court when closed Saturday. Seventeen of the convictions
were secured over pleas of not guilty and the remaining twenty-two were obtained on pleas of guilty. Four
sentences were suspended. One motion for new trial was granted.
. . . The cases of Maud Hawn, charged with selling intoxicating liquor, and Charles E. Linxwiler, charged with
murder, were tried, and declared mis-trials when the jury failed to agree. They were continued on the
docket for trial. . .

The Daily News-Telegram
Sulphur Springs, Texas
Wednesday, July 1, 1925
pg 1


Sherman, Texas, June 30 - A young man named Linxwiler, blind as a result of shots turned on himself, February
15, after he had shot and killed his wife, was today given an indeterminate sentence of from five to nine
years in the penitentiary. Linxwiler is 19 years old, and his wife was 15. The trouble arose when Mrs. Linxwiler
refused to accompany her husband because of his alleged non-support.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, July 2, 1925
pg 1

Linxwiler Gets Nine Years in Prison

Sherman, June 30. - Charles E. Linxwiler, 17, accepted a sentence of nine years and Judge Wilcox passed sentence on him shortly before noon today after a jury before which Linxwiler pleaded guilty Monday to murder in
connection with the killing of his 15 year-old wife, Pauline Linxwiler, on Feb. 15, had set his punishment at
nine years in the penitentiary, in a report made at 11 o'clock this morning after more than nine hours'
The case was given to the jury at 11:30 o'clock Monday morning after Lixwiler had pleaded guilty and both state
and defense attorneys had agreed that a ten-year sentence would satisfy the requirements of justice in the case.
The final agreement of the jury came after fifty or sixty ballots had been taken, one of the jurors stated after the jury was discharged this morning. On the first ballot three of the jurors were in favor of giving the defendant five years and eight were for settling the punishment at ten years, as requested by the attorneys in the case, it was said. One juror, it is reported, held the jury by contending for twenty-five years, after reducing his earlier contention for life imprisonment to that figure.
At 6 o'clock Monday night the jury stood 11 to 1, according to the report of the foreman to the court. The jury
finally agreed on the nine-years sentence shortly before 11 o'clock this morning.
After killing his wife, Linxwiler fired a shot through his own head. The bullet passed behind his eyes, causing
total blindness. At a former trial, begun April 21, the jury disagreed and a mistrial was declared.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, July 16, 1925
pg 7

Eleven Prisoners Sent to Pen From Grayson

Sherman, July 9 - Eleven prisoners, nine men and two women, all convicted in Grayson County during the present
term of court, were taken to the State penitentiary from the Grayson County jail Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The prisoners left in the custody of the State penitentiary transfer agent, Bud Russell, who arrived in Sherman
in the early part of the afternoon with three prisoners from Bonham.
In discussing the transfer of prisoners, Ross Stark, county jailer, said it was the largest number to leave at
one time since 1913.
A large crowd was at the jail to see the prisoners leave, and throughout the length of the building could be
heard sobs and crying of friends and relatives as they witnessed their loved ones leaving to pay the penalty
for crimes.
Following is a list of those taken and a brief resume of their record:
C. E. Linxwiler, 19, who was charged with having shot and killed his 15-year-old wife, Pauline, here on Feb. 15,
and who totally blinded himself when he is alleged to have fired a bullet through his head immediately behind
his eyes, was given a nine-year sentence by a jury before which he pleaded guilty, June 29, to murder. Judge
Wilcox sentenced Linxwiler to an indeterminate term of five to nine years. . .

Convict Record, Texas State Penitentiary, 1875 - 1945
at Huntsville, Walker County, Texas

Registered No.
C. E. Linxwiler
5' 6"
Weight 149
Entirely Blind
Marks on Person
Sm bro mole R lower jaw.
Totally blind in both eyes from gunshot wound
Sm bro birthmark R lower arm
Shoe #7 1/2
Marital Relations
Use of Tobacco
Able to Read
Totally Blind
Able to Write
Totally Blind
No. Years in School
Date of Birth
Birthplace of Father
Birthplace of Mother
Billing Clerk
Time of Conviction
June 30 - 1925
Term of Imprisonment
5 to 9
9 years
When Received
July 11 - 1925
Expiration of Sentence
June 30 - 1934
Pardoned 4-17-1926

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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