![]() Dallas Morning
News Police placed in jail L.H. Koll, 65, retired railroad employee, who is charged with murder. Officers entered his room in the rear of the hotel and found a shotgun empty, but still smoking, they said. Miss Graham's death was attributed to buckshot wound in the center of her forehead, death coming instantaneously. Hubbard was in a local hospital where attendants said he may lose the sight of his left eye. Hotel operatives said that Koll had been a resident there since May 1939. When police entered his room, he was undressed. Funeral services for Miss Graham, a 1939 graduate and honor student at Collinsville High School, will be held Saturday at 2pm at the Collinsville Church of Christ. A native of Collinsville, where she was born March 5, 1923, Miss Graham entered the school of nursing at Wilson N. Jones Hospital last September. Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham; four sisters, Miss Janice Graham of Sherman, and Winona, Carol and Robbie Lynn Graham of Collinsville.Dallas Morning News December 27, 1940 Sherman, Texas, Dec 26 - Miss Dedra Geraldine Graham, 17, a student nurse at the Wilson N. Jones Hospital here, was fatally wounded Thursday night at the Williams Hotel. Miss Graham whose home is in Collinsville, was sitting in a car with Buck Hubbard, telegraph operator, in a garage at the rear of the hotel. Police placed in jail L. H. Koll, 65, retired railroad employee, who is charged with murder. Officers entered his room in the rear of the hotel and found a shotgun empty, but still smoking, they said. Miss Graham's death was attributed to buckshot wound in the center of her forehead, death coming instantaneously. Hubbard was in a local hospital where attendants said he may lose the sight of his left eye. Hotel operatives said that Koll had been a resident there since May, 1939. When police entered his room, he was undressed. Funeral services for Miss Graham, a 1939 graduate and honor student at Collinsville High School, will be held Saturday at 2pm at the Collinsville Church of Christ. A native of Collinsville, where she was born March 5, 1923, Miss Graham entered the school of nursing at Wilson N. Jones Hospital last September. Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham; four sisters, Miss Janice Graham of Sherman, and Winona, Carol and Robbie Lynn Graham of Collinsville. Grayson County
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