![]() The Democrat
McKinney, Texas January 26, 1893 pg. 4 Placed Under Bond - Accident Van Alstyne, Texas., Jan. 20 - James Gaines, who was badly shot yesterday, is improving. Charles Koch, the party who did the shooting, was placed under $2000 bond. ![]() The Galveston Daily News Galveston, Texas Friday March 24, 1893 pg. 6 In a habeas corpus hearing, in which some evidence as that adduced before the justice court at Van Alstyne, was submitted Judge Brown Charles Kochs bond for the alleged murder of Gaines at Van Alstyne was set at $3000. ![]() The Sunday Gazetteer Denison, Texas Sunday February 4, 1894 pg. 4 Charles Koch, of this city, charged with murdering his brother-in-law Gaines, at Van Alstyne two years ago, was found "not guilty" by the district court at Sherman Thursday. Grayson County
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