The Texan Mercury
January 28, 1854
pg. 2
murder was committed in Grayson county on
the 10th ultimo. A man,
named Davis, left the village of Kentucky
Town, on horseback, with
three others, one named Umphries; the two
others, Jamieson, in a wagon.
They had all been drinking. A
difficulty occurred on the
way, and the three attacked Davis.
They then dragged him to a
thicket, off the road, and Umphries fled.
The two other were
seen, by a man passing that way, returning
to their wagon, and hastily
driving away. The body was discovered,
and the Jamiesons
arrested. But, strange to tell,
although circumstances were so
strong against them, and although blood was
found upon them, they were
discharged by the justice of the peace
before whom they were brought
for commitment.