![]() Fort Worth Daily
July 25, 1891 Saturday pg 1 SHERMAN WILD TWO SPORTS SHOT DOWN DEFENSELESS MAN One Man will Die, Two Others Wounded One of the Shooters in Jail A Posse Pursuing the Other Special to the Gazette Sherman, Grayson Co, Tex., July 24. - Frost Hutchcraft and John Bonds, two men belonging to the sporting fraternity, caused intense excitement in this city at 9 o'clock to-night by going to the waterworks station and shooting John G. Hammond, a defenseless old man, and wounded J. F. Study, an employee at the artesian well, with whom Hutchcraft had a row to-day. The alarm was given and officers went out to hunt the criminals. They were found in the business center, and a general fusillade of shooting took place. Bert Savage, a boy sixteen years old, was shot in the leg. Hammond is not expected to live. Bonds is in jail and a posse in hot pursuit after Hutchcraft, and they will very likely shoot him on sight. The city is wild with excitement. ![]() The Galveston Daily News Galveston, Texas July 27, 1891 Monday pg 3 SENSATION AT SHERMAN Hutchcraft Arrested and Jailed on a Charge of Assault to Murder Sherman, Tex., July 25, - The wild and unusual scenes of last night completely absorbs general interest. At 8 o'clock this morning officers arrested Hutchcraft, who, in company with Bonds, is charged with an assault to murder four persons,and placed him in jail. The NEWS reporter, who visited them at their cells, was unable to elicit much, save that Hutchcraft disavows any intent to kill either of the officers. Bonds denies any participation in the affair and says he had not seen Hutchcraft until a few minutes before the officers came upon them in the Palace saloon. No bond has as yet been set, and Justice Hinkle intimated that he would not fix bond until he sees how the wounded parties get along. J. J. Hammond, who is shot through and through, contrary to all expectations, is on the mend to-day. The chances, however, are all against his recovery. A ball passed through one of his kidneys. Burt Savage, the boy who was shot during the melee, is not reacting so easily to-day. It may finally result in amputation of the wounded member. James Stoody, who was shot in the arm, is getting on finely. Rube Hutchcraft, who was last night arrested to prevent his giving assistance to his brother, was released upon the arrest of Frost Hutchcraft. Mrs. Harvy and child, who were hurt in a runaway during the excitement on Travis street last night, are getting along nicely to-day. ![]() Dallas Morning News July 29, 1891 Dr. J. B. Stinson, attending physician upon Mr. Hammond, the man who is most seriously wounded, said to THE NEWS reporter today that his patient was improving and that indications were that he might recover. Young Savage, who was shot in the knee, is also getting along splendidly and James Stoody, who was shot, was able to be in attendance on the court. ![]() The Galveston Daily News Galveston, Texas July 29, 1891 Wednesday pg 13 STOODY AND SAVAGE REPORTED AS HAVING IMPROVED About Shutting Down the Electric Lights. Each Gaming House in the City Ordered Closed. Sherman, Tex., July 27. - The is nothing now in the Hutchcraft-Bond case to relate further than the report that the electric lights had been shut down on account of the night manger, John Hood, having been intimidated, is this afternoon contradicted by a card from Mayor Levy and the electric light commissioners in the Evening Democrat, stating it was because the jar of the heavy machinery very near Mr. Hammond, one of the victims of the assault, would render his recovery, considered doubtful now by his physicians, still more so. Mr. Hood was one of the witnesses in the shooting of Hammond and Study. Hammond was a confederate soldier from Arkansas and a movement is on foot for the confederate association of the county to employ attorneys to assist in the prosecution of his assailant, whoever they may be. Stood is able to be up and around to-day. Both of the men in jail belonged to what might be termed the sporting fraternity, and feeling has grown and spread until to-day the chief of police and sheriff ordered every gaming house in the city closed and notified the men personally that any endeavor to further ply their avocation would meet with rigorous persecution. The sheriff extended a wholesale order over the county. ![]() Wise County Messenger Decatur, Texas August 1, 1891 Saturday pg 1 Sherman, Tex., July 24 - Frost Hutchcraft and John Bonds, two men belonging to the sporting fraternity, caused intense excitement in this city at 9 o'clock to-night by going to the water works station and shooting John G. Hammond, a defenseless old man, and wounding J. F. Study, an employe at the artesian well, with whom Frost Hutchcraft had a row to-day. The alarm was given and officers went out to hunt the criminals. They were found in the business center, and a general fusillade of shooting took place. Bert Savage, a boy 19 years old, was shot in the leg. Hammond is not expected to live. Bonds is in jail and a posse is in hot pursuit of Hutchcraft and they will very likely shoot him on sight. The city is wild with excitement. {We presume this is the same Frost Hutchcraft who lived a few years ago in Alvord. Ed.] Sherman, July 25. - The city is again quiet after the bloody scenes of last night. Hutchcraft, who was connected with the attempted assassination of John G. Hammond and J. F. Stoody, was captured this morning and taken to jail. All three of the wounded parties are resting easy. The ball was extracted from young Savage's leg to-day. He received a ball in the general shooting up in the city when Hutchcraft and Bond resisted arrest. His wound is considered a very dangerous one. Hammon is resting easy from his two very ugly wounds. ![]() Fort Worth Daily Gazette August 12, 1891 Wednesday pg 2 BOND-HUTCHCRAFT CASE Concluded at Sherman Yesterday Other Case for To-Day - A Minister on Trial for Criminal Assault. Special to the Gazette Sherman, Grayson Co., Tex., Aug. 11. - The cases of assault to murder Marshal Blain, Policeman Wallace and Bart Savage against Frost Hutchcraft and John Bond were concluded to-day before Justice Hinkle, three days being consumed in taking evidence. The cases against them for assault to murder James Stoody and John G. Hammond on the same night, July 24, will be heard to-morrow. The last two were wounded. Hammond is still in a dangerous condition. A piece of cloth was taken out of Savage's leg to-day which went in with the gun-shot on that awful night, and he now has a good chance for recovery. The bond of Hutchcraft and Bond will be fixed upon the completion of the case, beginning to-morrow. The Van Alstyne justice's court has a sensational case against an aged minister, charging him with criminal assault, which first came to the surface in a church trial. The other principal is a niece about eighteen years old. ![]() The Galveston Daily News Galveston, Texas August 13, 1891 Thursday pg 1 SHERMAN, Tex., Aug 12, - The cases of the State vs. Hutchcraft and Bond, charged with shooting Stoody and Hammond, was continued until next Saturday by agreement. The bonds are set and amount to $4500 each. ![]() Wise County Messenger Decatur, Texas Aug 15, 1891 Saturday pg 5 Sherman, Aug. 12. - Bond and Hutchcraft were bound over to the district court in the cases of assault to murder Marshal Blaine, Policeman Kimball and Burt Savage, in the sum of $4,500 each, and the other case for wounding Hammond and Stoody will be heard next Saturday. ![]() Fort Worth Daily Gazette August 30, 1891 Sunday pg 1 BOND-HUTCHCRAFT The Former Released on Bail The Latter's Friends Working for Him Special to the Gazette Sherman, Grayson County, Tex. Aug. 29, - John Bond was released from jail this afternoon on $4500 bond on five charges of assault to murder on July 24, in this city. Friends of Hutchcraft are working to have him released too. ![]() Fort Worth Daily Gazette October 4, 1891 Sunday pg 13 HIS BOND REDUCED Special to the Gazette SHERMAN, GRAYSON COUNTY, Tex., Oct. 3, - Frost Hutchcraft, upon a habeas corpus hearing to-day before Judge Muse of the district court had his bond reduced from $4500 to $2500, not being able to furnish bond in the first amount. Hutchcraft is one of the parties charged with assault to murder Marshal Blane, Policeman Kimball, John Hammond, Bert Savage and James Study, the last three being wounded in a shooting last July in the city. ![]() Brenham Weekly Banner Brenham, Texas October 22, 1891 Thursday pg 4 Frost Hutchcraft, on five charges of assault to murder, has been released from jail at Sherman on a bond of $2500. ![]() Brenham Weekly Banner Brenham, Texas December 3, 1891 Thursday pg 8 Frost Hutchcraft, tried in Sherman for assault to murder Marshal Blaine in the general shooting there last July when three persons were wounded, was given four months in jail and $300 fine. ![]() Brenham Weekly Banner Brenham, Texas December 31, 1891 Thursday pg 1 At Sherman Frost Hutchcraft, convicted of an assault to murder Marshal Blaine was recently granted a new trial and has been released on bond. ![]() The Galveston Daily News Galveston, Texas November 30, 1892 SHERMAN SIFTINGS The Hutchcraft assault to murder case has gone over until the next term of the district court. ![]() The Galveston Daily News Galveston, Texas May 15, 1895 SURRENDERS VOLUNTARILY Sherman, Texas, May 14, - Frost Hutchcraft, whose connection with the notable Deepwell cases on July, 1891, in which Hammond and Study were shot, and for failure to appear for trial at a recent term of the criminal district court; Hutchcraft's bond was forfeited, had made the matter one generally known throughout north Texas and the adjoining territory, has surrendered voluntarily. This morning he was taken in charge by Sheriff Hughes and in a few minutes he had renewed the bond and was at liberty. Texas, Convict and Conduct Registers, 1875 - 1945 Huntsville
Grayson County
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