The Bonham News
Friday, May 27, 1904
pg. 7
Sherman, May 20 -
J.W.M. Hughes,
mayor of the town of Whitesboro, Grayson
County, was arrested this
morning upon a Federal indictment returned
by the Grand Jury at
Sherman, charging him with being engaged in
a conspiracy to set at
naught the civil rights bill by the
expulsion by force and intimidation
of certain negro residents of the town and
vicinity of
Whitesboro. His appearance bond placed
at $2,500, which he at
once furnished before United States
Commissioner J.F. Holt and was
Mr. Hughes is an
old and honored
citizen of the community in which he lives,
and has been mayor 4
terms. His detention took place at 9
o'clock this morning, and as
soon as word reached Whitesboro several
prominent citizens came to his
assistance at once, surety was secured here
before their arrival.