![]() Dallas Morning
May 1, 1889 Page 4 R. P. Hill, who was put in jail yesterday by Constable Spence on the charge of kidnapping Mandie Woolsey, was taken before Justice Campbell to-day and released from custody, the attorney for the state giving it as his opinion that the testimony was insufficient to warrant his being held any longer. ![]() Dallas Morning News May 2, 1889 Page 6 KIDNAPPED GIRL RECOVERED SHERMAN, Tex., May 1 - W. T. Woolsey, who alleges that his little daughter was kidnapped and taken to Dallas, arrived this morning in charge of the little girl, whom he found at Dallas in possession of her mother, his (Woolsey's) divorced wife. Woolsey showed THE NEWS reporter a certified copy of the decree of divorce granted to him from Martha Woolsey in the district court of Dallas County, and in which he, the plaintiff, is given possession of the little children, among whom is specified the little girl in question. He does not deny that the little girl seemed to like to stay with her mother, but he claims the court gave him possession of the child for justifiable reasons, and that he intends to reserve that right to himself. Grayson County
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